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"Morning mummy" Sophie smiles crawling into Ariana's bed. "Morning" Ariana mumbles cuddling her. "Mummy are you okay" Sophie asks "Im fine princess why wouldn't i be" Ariana asks "you just seem really stressed" Sophie pouts "I am a little but baby but Im okay" Ariana kisses her head.

"I guess its just hard with Joe" Ariana says "Im sorry mummy" Sophie pouts "Its okay. We just want the best for each of us." Ariana says "Ill make up with Lexie if that will make it better" Sophie says "you don't have to do that" Joe says making both girls jump. "When did you get here" Ariana asks looking up to him. "Just now" he smiles leaning down to kiss Ariana's lips.

"Ill leave you alone" Sophie climbs off the bed and walks out the room. Ariana sits up and wraps her arms around Joe holding onto him. "I missed you" Ariana pouts "I missed you too" Joe pecks her lips. "Can you stay tonight" Ariana asks and Joe nods. "Of course" Joe smiles picking her up of the bed. "Did Sophie sleep with you" Joe asks "no she got in my bed this morning" Ariana smiles going to her feet.

"Please don't make her make up with Lexie. If she doesn't want to thats okay with me. Sophie is bound to be hurt" Joe tells Ariana. "I wasn't going to tell her too don't worry. Its up to her not me" Ariana says walking down the stairs.

"Morning" Hudson smiles from the tv. "School" Ariana says "but Sophie doesn't have to" Hudson pouts grabbing his laptop. "Yeah I do. I just do mine when you don't see me" Sophie giggles opening her parcel.

"What you been ordering" Joe asks "I don't remember" Sophie pouts. "Its your new room deco" Ariana smiles "why is it in my name" Sophie asks confused not that she minded. "Because i Don't know I may have used your account i Don't know" Ariana shrugs making Sophie giggle.

"Can I be rich" Joe pouts. "Why you need money" Ariana asks making them a coffee. Joe shakes his head. "Don't even think about it" he says. "But if your struggling I want to help" Ariana says "its not like you haven't borrowed money off me before" she says since it was true.

"I lost my job" he sighs "oh baby" Ariana puts the cup down and hugs him. "Im scared Ariana" he holds her. "Shh its okay" Ariana rubs his back. "Come on Hudson let go play a game together" Sophie says "but school" Hudson says "school can wait come on" Sophie says.

"I'm looking every where for a new one" he says looking her in the eye. "Baby boy when did this happen" Ariana asks wiping under his eyes. "When the girls argument started" he pouts "baby and you've struggled since then, you have asked. I would have said yes Joe" Ariana says. "But I don't want to use you Ariana or to make you feel that way because I really do love you" Joe says "and this is what Love is for" Ariana says handing him a cheque.

"I'll help you look for jobs not that I will be any help" Ariana giggles "you can be my personal driver" Ariana says "I am not working for you" Joe says "I was joking" Ariana says grabbing the ipad.

As Ariana looked through the ipad for jobs Joe rubs her bare through her teeshirt. "£50000 a year" Ariana says "for that" she asks shocked "click apply" Joe says "how much were you on" Ariana asks "£35000 a year" Joe says "thats not a lot for what you do what ever technological thing you do" Ariana says making Joe shake his head at her cuteness.

"I have a question" Joe asks "what" Ariana smiles up to him. "Do they listen to like your old songs" Joe asks "Sophie listens to a few like if they have been feelings towards Malcolm. I think Sophie has listened to them but I don't think shes bothered by it" Ariana says. "Do you ever feel like you should have put them into school" he asks.

"Sophie no Hudson yes" Ariana says "Sophie was my little super star. I loved her so much still do. I sent her to nursery but after that it was always going to be homeschool. She had her gym friends if it wasn't for gym she would be at school." ariana says "Hudson I wanted into school because he had nothing but then e got into football" Ariana giggles.

"Mummy" Hudson smiles "yes" Ariana asks looking towards him "can Harry stop" Hudson asks "sweetheart I would say yes but I want some family time." Ariana pouts "okay" Hudson pouts sadly.

"Baby boy tomorrow night" Ariana says. "Okay" Hudson smiles.

"Your such a good parent Ariana" Joe says "thanks" Ariana mumbles hugging him. "You know if you needed to give up your house for money you could stay here" Ariana says "shhh its okay stop panicking" Joe rubs her back.

"I just want you to be happy" Ariana says and Joe nods. "MUMMY" Sophie calls making Ariana go up to Sophie. "I have nothing and I'm bleeding" Sophie whines. "Okay okay ill get you some" Ariana says going to her bathroom and getting Sophies stuff snd taking it to her. "Im dying" Sophie whines "get a grip" Ariana says, Sophie looks up to her mother a little shocked at her reaction.

"Thats mean" Sophie pouts pulling up her pants. "Sorry baby Im tired" Ariana hugs her rubbing her back. "Its okay" Sophie kisses her cheek.

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