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"Opening night" Joe smiles spinning Ariana around "I know it just means bus travel and I feel bad for my kids" Ariana pouts "they begged you to go on tour" Joe chuckles "with Sophie it was so easy she was just in my bed now I have you and a son" Ariana giggles making Joe shake his head kissing her nose. "Mummy" Sophie comes into the room. "Yes princess" Ariana asks "Can you get up" Sophie giggles "have you packed" Ariana asks and Sophie nods.

"Good because the bus will be at the arena" Ariana says and Sophie nods "wheres your brother" Ariana asks "sleeping" Sophie giggles making Ariana nod climbing off the bed and following her girl out the room.

"Mummy will you and Joe have sex as much as you do now on tour" Sophie asks "why" Ariana asks "I don't know" Sophie shrugs "you tell me everything" Sophie whines "Sophie I'm happy and if it happens it happens" Ariana kisses her head. "I love you mama I'm glad your finally happy" Sophie smiles kissing her mums cheek.

"Mum how did you conceive me" Sophie asks "sex" Ariana says "i mean was I planned" Sophie asks and Ariana shakes her head. "You slipped through a condom and birth control" Ariana says "i wanted to be born" Sophie giggles. "You did" Ariana smiles "so you wouldn't have aborted her" Joe asks "never" Ariana says "I didn't have a choice anyway but I was so excited to have you so was your dad" Ariana says "how did you tell him" Sophie asks sitting down.

"I was so scared to tell him. He took me out for a nice meal since I was feeling a little better than I had been feeling. I told him we needed to talk and then when we got home I told him." Ariana smiles "he never stopped touching my stomach for weeks" Ariana giggles.

"So is it a happy feeling when your pregnant" Sophie asks "Ive been pregnant 3 times and you were my happiest" Ariana says "wait" Joe says "I aborted Malcolms second baby" Ariana pouts.

"Mummy Im sorry I forgot you didn't tell anyone" Sophie pouts. "Its okay" Ariana gives her a hug.

"Im sorry" Ariana pouts as Joe had gone really quiet. "Im really confused. How soon did you have sex after Sophie" Joe asks "I cheated on Pete" Ariana sighs. "So you cheated on Jai as well" Joe asks "no" Ariana shakes her head. "Pete was arguing with me telling me I was a bad mother. Malcolm came to pick Sophie up and I was upset. I still trusted Malcolm with all my heart to open up to him. We went for a walk and ended up at his hotel talking" Ariana pouts "we slept together. I found out I was pregnant a month later" Ariana sniffs making Joe take her hand. "I called Malcolm and told him because I was in London. He told me to do what made me happy. If I kept it he would have been happy and the same if I aborted it. I arrived home and he had gone. I think of he was still here I would have kept it" Ariana wipes her eyes.

"Omg Im so sorry" Joe hugs her. "Do you hate me now" Ariana sniffs "No no of course not" Joe strokes her hair. "I love you so much. Malcolm was special to you and you had a beautiful connection." joe. kisses her head.

"Come on lets go to sleep" Joe lies her down holding her. "I wish I kept Malcolms baby but I couldn't at the time I was too sad"

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