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"where the fuck is he" A man yells in Ariana's face. "excuse me get out" Ariana says "where is Joe the fucking bastard" he asks "I don't know not here" she says. "mum" Sophie asks "go upstairs" Ariana says and Sophie nods taking Hudson with her.

Ariana grabs her phone and calls Joe. "hey baby girl" he says "J-Joe come home t-heres people here" Ariana stutters "im on my way" he ends the call.

Joe comes through the door "why did you cheat on your girl last week in Harveys" they asks "I was on tour with Ariana" Joe says hugging a scared Ariana. "no you were making out with this girl" he says showing the phone "never seen her now get out the house" he says making them leave.

"did they touch you" Joe asks "n-no" Ariana sobs "Malcolm kissed me" she shakes making his heart break. "come on lets go talk" he says taking her to the sofa. "Im going to get you some water okay... are the kids okay" he asks "I told them to go upstairs" she sniffs and he nods. he grabs her a bottle of water and goes up to Hudson and Sophie.

"you two its okay they are gone" Joe says "is it true" Sophie asks "no it isn't. im going to talk to your mum okay" he says and Sophie nods.

Joe sits next to Ariana and rubs her back. "he came to apologise and he kissed me" she sobs "okay sweetheart" he says "why was he apologising" Malcolm asks "because he crashed and fled the scene and I had the police here and he kissed me" Ariana cries even more "is that what that reminded you of" he asks and she nods again cuddling into his side.

"why was I so stupid" Ariana sobs "hey no dont say that you were far from stupid for doing what you did during that time." Joe says "but he could still be here if I didnt do what I did" Ariana sniffs "Sophie would have a dad and everything would be so much better" she looks up to him. "don't torture yourself about it baby. I know its hard for you but your so brave" Joe tells her "will you be mad of I put one of his jumpers on" Ariana asks "no sweetheart I would never been mad at you go on" he says letting her get up and go and put a jumper on.

Ariana walks out the bedroom and Sophie hides the blanket behind her back. "its okay" Ariana says "you can have it out the bedroom" she says "really" Sophie asks and Ariana nods going downstairs and hugging Joe.

"I love you" she mumbles against his chest "I love you too" he kisses the side of her head. "mummy" Hudson says "come here my baby" Ariana smiles making him come and hug her. "I love you mummy more than ever" he smiles "oh I love you" Ariana kisses his cheek.

"what you doing" Ariana asks Sophie "school" she giggles "well thats boring" she pouts "tell me about it" Sophie looks to her. "well heres a camera" Ariana smiles handing it to her "of course Ill help you with the editing and stuff because I love you" Ariana smiles "thank you mummy" Sophie smiles kissing her cheek.

"go spend some time with Joe. you need it." Sophie says "my children are too good" Ariana chuckles.

more people wanted them to stay together but if u want ariana and ricky go check my ariana and ricky book.

kidnapped baby

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