Chapter 14 - Peonies, Italian Food & Abundant Apologies {}

Start from the beginning

"You drove?" I asked him.

Brandon nodded, "Yeah, I did."

"I just assumed you-"

"Had a driver to drive me here?" Brandon said.

"Yeah," I nodded.

Brandon shook his head, "I don't lack the ability to drive. Come on you've seen me drive! Remember all the late-night drives in the city we used to take?"

"Back when we were friends?" I said as nostalgia hit me.

"Yes, exactly those. Best nights of my life!"

He helped me get into his car before he walked across the front of the car and got into the driver's seat and put on his seat belt.

"You look beautiful," He whispered as he took me in again.

I smiled, "Thanks, you already said that though."

"I could never tell you that enough." He grinned.

"You're so cheesy!"

"Shall we get going? Our reservations are in thirty minutes." Brandon explained offering me his arm.

I nodded, "Let's head out."


"Thanks for the night, the food was absolutely delicious," I told Brandon.

He smiled, "Of course. The night is still young and we have somewhere else to be."

"Where?" I asked him.

"It's a surprise, beautiful," Brandon winked and started the engine.

The whole night had been amazing. Brandon had been the perfect gentleman and he was just all in all amazing. Brandon had been dressed in a charcoal black suit with a red tie and polished black shoes. I was dressed in an inky blue dress that had diamantes on the bodice forming flowers and patterns. I had black stilettos on and my hair had been done by my gran who had pulled my brown hair up in a bun and left a few tendrils to frame my face.

"You know I hate surprises!" I whined.

Brandon rolled his eyes, "That's what makes me want to give you an awful lot of them,"

"Are you sure the way to earn someone's forgiveness is by giving them something they hate?" I asked peering at him from the passenger seat.

Brandon laughed, "Well no. I do know for a fact that you secretly like them and you just won't admit that fact out loud Miss Hayes," Brandon laughed.

I huffed, "That's not true!" I gasped and smacked his arm.

Brandon winced, "Do you want to kill us?"

My face immediately went pale at the word kill. Images of my parents flashed through my mind as my breathing began to constrict causing me to gasp for air as I tried to stop the dizziness that was overtaking me.

"Oh, my word!" Brandon gasped, "Ashley I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!" He apologised frantically.

I wanted to calm his fears but my mouth had clammed up and refused to open again as beads of sweat rolled down my face. Brandon stopped the car on the side of the highway and got out. He ran to my side and opened my door before removing my seat belt gently and brushing my hair.

"Ashley breathe," Brandon commanded as he brushed my hair with his fingers.

In and out. In and out. I repeated the mantra in my head. In and out. That was the mantra the psychologist I had visited had taught me. As my breaths began to regulate themselves once more I heard Brandon breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ashley - I'm so sorry, it really was very insensitive of me to say that to you even if I meant it as a joke," He apologized pulling me to his chest and allowed me to breathe in his scent.

I nodded, "You're fine. I overreacted anyway," I said and wiped my forehead.

"You didn't!" Brandon insisted, "I shouldn't have said what I did."

"It's fine. Really!" I said and gave him the best smile I could muster.

Brandon sighed before kissing my forehead. He shut my door and walked quickly over to his side and started the car.

The car ride was silent. Not an awkward silence but rather a comfortable and gentle silence. The radio played as background music and the lights illuminated the roads. My mind took me back to my parent's death in a way, I truly wasn't over it. Even if all these years passed. When the car stopped in a dark parking area I uttered put the words that have haunted me for so long.

"I think it's time I told you about my parents, Brandon," I said.


Hey Guys!

I'm so sorry that I have taken forever to actually update but here is the update as promised!

What do you think of this chapter?

I'm going to create a part two to the date so you'll get to see more Ashley and Brandon time!

Ash: You just had to do that to me!

Author: Of course not!

Mel: That's my BFF you're torturing!

Author: Whatever!

Brandon: Leave her Mel, she's mean!

Author: I am not!

Brandon: You are too!

Author: I'm not playing this game with you!

Brandon: Whatever!!!

Alessio: Since you guys are otherwise occupied I will say the line! Comment your thoughts on this chapter and don't forget to please vote!

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