Chap. 22

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This Chapter Will Be Short..


I got out my car greeting up with 4 guards that were with me. "Goodevening guys." I said.

"Goodevening Teyana. How are you?"

"I'm good. Chris inside?" I asked them and they all nodded. I closed my door and started walking to the restaurant seeing paparazzi already ready there.

"Teyana! How does it feel to be home?!!"

"Teyana how was it being trapped with August and Weezy?!!"

"Teyana who's your baby's father!?!!" 

The questions went on and on. I honestly don't even know how they knew I was with August. I was about to answer some of them, but instead, I kept my head down. The guard opened the door allowing me to walk inside.

Taking off my glasses, I walked to the table where Chris was.

"Hey bae." I said, making him look up from his computer. He was looking so cute with his glasses on and everything. Then he was dressed up today. My baby is sexy, okay!

"Wassup mama. You look good." He got up hugging and kissing me.

"Thank you. You do too." I smiled sitting down as he pulled out my chair.

"I had to run to handle a few stuff with the crew and stuff." He explained and I nodded. "How was work?" 

"It was good until Makayla told me everything y'all talked about. She came in crying and was pissed off." I said and started explaining everything she told me.

Chris shook his head, "I just don't fuck with the fact she trying to make you give away our child. And I said our child because it is ours. I don't care who the father is." He said shrugging his shoulders. "What would you do?"

"Chris we talked about this already. I'm not going to give away the baby or kill the baby!" I said. "I can't do that to a child. It's not the baby's fault." I said looking at the menu.

"Try telling that to ya best friend," He said rolling his eyes. "Acting like she got a hard ass head. You told her you keeping the baby?"

"Well..." I said. "I just said that I needed to think about it and I don't know what I'm going to do yet..." I said and Chris sighed shaking his head. "Because! Baby she does know me like a book! I'm going to think about her father either way."

"Teyana if I'm not mistaken, I'm starting to feel like you might do something behind my back." He said looking at the menu.

"Chris...Can you not?"

"Not what? You making it seem that way!! I told you I'm going to be there. This child is going to be ours. I don't care that I'm not the father! I want you to keep the baby."

"Then it's going to be a lot of tabloid shit and -"

"Teyana I don't give a fuck about them people." He said cutting me off. I sighed looking away around the restaurant. "All I'm saying is, don't make a decision your going to regret when you have support over here. We haven't even told the kids yet so before telling them, you need to make sure you confidence with whatever you wanna do bruh." He said.

You could tell he was annoyed.

"So you don't think there would be a problem like when the baby gets older? Cause you know I can't keep the child away from his or her dad and it's going to be confusing for the child when I have to bring him or her around the dad, then have you as a father figure. That's why Makayla is like having her opinions because it's gets stressful!" I explained to him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Like I said before, make sure you have confidence with the decision you want." He said.

"Okay Chris. I want to just drop this conversation now." I said looking away. He was obviously having an attitude and I don't have time for it.


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