Chap. 51 { Cj's 14th Birthday...Unexpected Gift.. }

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| Sorry I've Been MIA, I Have So Much Going On Right Now Guys & Volleyball Games Almost Everyday, I Barely Have Time To Update . I'm Going To Try To Update As Much As I Can . I Know It Won't Be Daily How It Use To Be . Sorry My Loves , Just Bare Wirh Me .. |


Weeks Later..

"Uggghhh, my baby boy isn't a baby anymore! He's growing up so fast! Slow downnnn!" I faked cried hugging Cj. He was talking to his friends and I but into their little circle.

"Momm, stop your embarrassing me." He laughed and I kissed his face. Today's Cj's birthday. He turned 15 years old and I've been kissing him today so much as if he was turning 5. I really can't believe I have teenagers like it's just so crazy and going by so fast.

He use to love me kissing on him and being all over him, now he's just growing out of that.

My little baby isn't my little baby anymore..

* * * * * *

"Dad! Come get mom!" Cj said as I hugged on him.

"Teyana stop embarrassing him. I got her from here." Chris came out the blue and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"Chris stop!" I laughed. He put me down and I fixed my shirt. "Your just growing up so fast, I can't believe it."

"Alright, that's enough. Pretend she wasn't here." Chris said guiding me away from the boys.

We walked outside and started picking up some of the trash that was on the ground out in the front. It was a little away from the party itself where everyone else was.

"Can you believe he's growing up? He's 15 years old Chris! 15!"

"Yea, time has really flew by." He said. He dug his hands into his pocket. "Felt like yesterday when we first had him. I knew immediately that was my boy. He looked just like me." He said. I looked up at him seeing him staring at the ground grinning.

"He was so spoiled behind you, it was crazy. Now look at him, all about basketball and stuff. All the girls want him now probably and he's growing up." I glanced over at the party seeing Cj around 4 other guys from the basketball team and 2 girls.

"I can tell you right now, he's gonna be a player." Chris said siping his drink.

"What? My baby is not about to be a hoe. Just because toy probably was back in your early teenage years, don't mean he will. Don't let that look alike shit get in ya head." I said and his mouth dropped and he laughed.

"I was not a hoe! I was having fun! Plus everything he's doing, I did! Getting on the high school basketball team, he gonna for sure be on varsity, my boy finna have all the attention. Gonna have to teach him some stuff."

I rolled my eyes shaking my head, "Mhm, before you try teaching him anything, you need to sit down and have "the talk" with him."

"EW! What? Why I gotta do it?"

"I'm not the done with the dick. I don't know how it feels to have sex and take someone's virginity. He's going to get there one day." I shrugged saying.

Chris laughed. "One day yeah." He said.

* * * * * *

"OKAY ON THE COUNT OF 3, WE'RE GOING TO SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JR!" I yelled, standing on the coffee table.

"Girl if you don't get ya ass down." Makayla said helping me down and I laughed getting down.

"Mommy, hold me!" A'Layah whined.

"Girl you better act like a big girl." Chris said watching me pick her up. "And you gonna pick her up." He said looking at me.

"Leave my baby alone. She wants her mommy to hold her so I'm going to hold her, huh baby?"

"Mhm!" She smiled. I smiled back kissing her cheek.

"So spoiled." Mama Tee said grinning holding Carter in her arms who was looking around and drinking milk. My chunky baby.

After singing happy birthday to Cj, we cut the cake. Everyone was in the dining room laughing and talking while enjoying the cake, food, and everything else.

"Damn, my nephew real life 15, looking like he 16. Tall ass." Devon said and we laughed.

"Can y'all stop saying th -"

Ding Dong!

I walked to the door opening it.

No one was there. I frowned and seen a bag on the step. I slowly made my way to the bag picking it up. It had Carter's name on it.

I looked inside the bag pulling out 4 pairs of shoes in Carter's size.

"What you doing babe?" I turned around facing Chris.

"Nice one. I know you sent this." I said showing him the shoes. He frowned.

"Sent what? I haven't sent anything. What I look like sending shoes for my son in a bag for? This is my house." He chuckled.

I shook my head. This has to be a prank.

"I know you - Wait, there's a note." I said pulling out a card from the bottom. I opened it up reading it.

To My Little Twin. Daddy Loves You. ❤️

After reading the note, my heart dropped to my ass.

"Teyana what's wrong?" Chris asked.

"What's going on?" Devon asked coming outside along with Vincent. All 3 of them were looking at me. Chris took the card out my hand reading it. I watched as his facial expression changing in a heartbeat.

"It's him.." I said.


Cliffhanger ! ☺️

Who Is It ? 🙃

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