Chap. 43 { Taking Up For North.. }

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I grabbed my phone laying in bed. I went to my contacts FaceTiming Teyana. She answered and i noticed she was in bed as well.

"Why you in bed so early? The kids sleep?"

"They're taking their baths. We all just finished eating. But we have a new addition to our family for now on." She said. I frowned looking at her dorm my MacBook.

"You pregnant?"

She laughed, "Oh God, No! I'm not having another baby for a few years."

I laughed a little. Now I gotta really pull out and shit cause Teyana and I never use condoms and we're not about to start using them.

"Then wassup?"

"Okay so you know how I was telling you about Aubrey's friend Olivia, right?" I nodded. That kid has been through so much. I don't know how people can call themselves parents when they allow stuff like that happen to an innocent child. "Well starting tonight, she's going to he living here. I'm going to start working on some papers to hopefully adopt her. She has all kinds of hickies and everything all over her stomach and she broke down crying. She didn't even want me to know! She was trying to stop Aubrey from telling me. But when I told her that we were going to let her stay here, babe you should've seen the smile on her face. She looked so happy."

"Well that's nice of you to do. I'm glad your taking her in. But you sure you want to do this? Like I understand you want to help her and everything but you sure about this?"

When I'm asking Teyana this, I'm not meaning in a mean way. I'm not saying I want them to put Olivia back with her family but we already have 4 kids.


Adding another teen is just going to be even more hard. But I also feel for Olivia because she has been through a lot and I don't want for the same stuff to happen to her again. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

"What do you mean am I sure about it? Baby, I'm 100% sure! We have to help her! I'm not allowing her to go back to her family! I'm just going to get in touch with them and try to work something out to where I can give them a little cash and let us keep her and then we'll go from there." She shrugged.

"So your going to basically buy Olivia from her family? What if they say no? Then what?"

"Then I'm going to the cops and they're going to be put in jail! And you know no one wants to go to jail so they're gonna accept this money."

"Baby, your doing too much. You don't have to offer up any kind of money. Just talk to them. Don't give them no damn money. It's like your buying Olivia from them!" I said and she shook her head.

"I'll think about it.." Was all she said. I know Teyana is probably not going to listen to what I'm saying but I hope she takes in what I'm saying into consideration.

I doubt Olivia's family with cooperate with us anyways.

"Teyana don't do nothing crazy, I'm telling you. This might be a bad idea."

"Chris I'm helping this child, I don't care what you say." With that, she ended the FaceTime call. I tried calling back but she didn't answer. I know she seen the call so she can't say she ain't see it.

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