Chap. 29 { August's Mom.. }

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3 Months Later...

"Yooo, y'all ready for his show this weekend? Y'all know all the bitches finna be there." Geno said passing me the blunt. I laughed. I was a lil high. I didn't give a fuck about what any doctor said. I'm not suppose to be smoking but I been smoking for years and nothing happened to me.

"Geno only you can do some shit like that. We all tied down bro," Vincent said.

"Yea and Valerie already told me the next time I screw another woman, she leaving me. Can't let that happen. She too good of a crazy ass woman to lose. But I like them crazy so she get a pass." He said and we all laughed.

"Don't even make me start on Teyana." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah y'all got too many damn kids anyways. Ya too grown to be still hoeing around." Geno said.

"And nigga? I'm thankful for my kids. And I can't take care of them. At least I'm not a deadbeat. If you have kid today or tomorrow, yo ass would more than likely be on child support because you got too many bitches in ya life. YOU too damn old to be hoeing around." I said laughing, handing him back the blunt as the others laughed.

"Nigga shut up. Let ya smoke my shit, and this what I get in return? Bet." He said and I grinned.

"Y'all niggas full of -"

Ding Dong!

"Damn Chris, you excepting somebody?"

"Hell nahh. I don't know nobody with a grey Buick." I said looking out the window. I opened the door coming face to face with older woman. She had her hands behind her back and a smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm - Oh, maybe I have the wrong house. Sorry." She begin to turn to walk away.

"Wait, who are you looking for?"

"Teyana." She answered.

I frowned. I haven't seen this woman before and Tey hasn't mentioned anyone to me before.

"You have the right house. She's my wife. She's not here right now, can I take a message for her?" I asked. Her smile then dropped and she mugged me up and down. She mugged me!

The fuck wrong with this woman.

"You must be Christopher.." She said and I nodded. "As in Smith?"

"Yea but -"

"Your the one that named my grandchild after you! He's not yours!" She yelled pointing her finger at me making me take a step back.

"Woah ole lady, watch that finger." Geno said getting up.

"Old? Bitch do I look old to you?" She asked him and we all started laughing. He mugged her.

"You may not be but I bet ya pussy is! Wrinkles everywhere prolly."

"I bet ya daddy would like it!" She fires back and laughed again

"Yo, come sit ya ass down bruh!" Vincent said.

He turned around and walked away. "Shit cold blooded.." He mumbled sitting down.

"What do you want with my wife?" I asked her.

"Well, she's suppose to be meeting me here because I have to meet my grandson." She smiled. "My son says Carter looks just like him." She grinned.

"August?" I asked and she nodded.

"He met him. He said he's so soft and -"

"Met him? Wha-How?" I asked her.

Shit ain't making sense.

How he gonna meet Carter and he's in jail?

"Your wife brings Carter every week to go see his father. Aren't you her husband? Your suppose to - Oh, she didn't tell you?" She asked covering her mouth.

By the second, I was getting more and more pissed off.

"How long has this been going on?"

She shrugged, "Say since he was 3 months. I have pictures of him. He's so adorable!" She smiled.

"Mhm, thanks. Tell ya son he won't be seeing no more of Carter." I told her and her mouth dropped. I guided her to the door.

"You can't do that! He has the right to see his son!"

"He RAPED my wife! He don't need to see shit! You won't either! Stay the hell away from my family and my house!" I lightly pushed her away from the door closing it in her face.

Everyone was looking at me with a priceless look. But I was mad as hell. She's been keeping this shit from me for the past few months. It's all starting to make sense though. She would leave one of the days every week early for some reason and come back around noon.

"What you gonna do?" Devon asked.

I sat down on the couch calling Teyana.

"Hey baby, what's up?"  She answered.

"When we get home, we gotta have serious conversation." I said.

"I'm almost home now. I just dropped Camron and A'Layah off at their friends' house."

"Where's Carter?"

"He's with me, why?"

"We'll talk more when you get here." I said and ended the line. I sighed putting my phone in my lap.


"We gonna go, y'all gotta hash shit out. Let's go y'all." Devon said standing and Geno and Vincent followed him to the door.

"Good luck man. Talk y'all shit out and come to an agreement. Don't be calling my house and having her ass come over late at night with her shit." Vincent said.

I stayed quiet as they left out. I'm just trying to think of questions that I have for Teyana.

She really lied to me.

She told me she wasn't going to do it but did it behind my back.

Just wait till she gets here.


What's Gonna Happen Next ? 😯

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