Chap. 36 { Unexcepted Call.. }

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Months Later...
-{ SHEILA }-

I sat down on my patio and grabbed my wine. After taking a few sips and looking at the view, my phone begin ringing. I looked seeing Henry's name on the caller ID as a FaceTime call.

I answered positioning it on me. Henry's face appeared.He was a very handsome man. He was shirtless with a gold chain around his neck.

"Hello Henry," I grinned. He smiled.

"Sheila, how are you beautiful?" He asked.

Henry and I been talking for a few months. It's all part my plan. I'm trying to potentially get him to get close to me and want me, that way I can use that as an advantage to potentially help get my son out of jail. So far, things are going as planned.

The conversation is good and we've hooked up a few times. I can say I am attracted to Henry. Not even going to lie.

"I'm doing good, how are you? How's my baby doing?" I asked sipping my wine.

"He's going good actually. We sit down and talk from time to time still. You added more money to his account, right?"

"Yea, I sent him some last night." I answered. "So, what are you doing tonight?"

He smirked, "I'm going to a bar tonight for one of my friends. He's having a retirement party, you wanna come?" He asked.

"Hmm, should I?" I grinned.

"Well I mean, now since I told you what I'm doing you have no choice. So I'll come pick you up at 7."

I laughed. "Fine. Since I have "no choice" but to come. You paying for dinner after too."

"Have no problem with that. Maybe we can come back to my condo after."

"Omg shut up!" I laughed.


"Promise your going to call when you land?" I followed Chris to the truck.

He turned around before getting in, "I promise baby." He leaned down kissing me then kissed Carter.

"Dadaaa!!" He screamed.

"I love you." He said looking back at me.

"Love you too, be safe. Have a nice tour." I said. He got in the truck and his driver closed the door. Chris then rolled down the window.

"Bye bye baby boy." He said waving bye to Carter. Carter smiled and opened and closed his hand repeatedly. I laughed kissing his cheek.

We watched as the truck drove away. I sighed walking to the end of the driveway checking the mail.

"Dadadadaa." Carter said.

"Yea Dada gone." I told him.

Chris was leaving to go on a tour for a month. So that means I'm going be taking care of the kids alone for a month. It's not a problem but I'm just use to the extra help.

The kids cried for a little bit because they're use to going with him on tour with the nanny or whatever but they got over it. We're going to be fine.

I'm going to miss him being here though.

It's going to be a month that he's going to be gone!

I am a little more cautious again because I've been on the lookout for Ms. Sheila. I haven't seen anything or nothing not since months ago when we seen her at that restaurant and she threatened us. I don't plan on seeing her but I just know we have to now watch our backs.

That's why when Chris is gone, I got extra security to watch the house and to travel with us when we go places.

* * * * * *

When I went back in the house, I put Carter on the floor and he crawled away. I sighed sitting on the couch grabbing my laptop checking my emails.

While I was scrolling, my phone begin ringing. I picked it up answering. Once I heard the woman machine from the jail asking if I wanted to accept the call, I knew it was nobody but August.

I sighed accepting the call. I stayed quiet waiting for August to speak.


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