Chap. 77 { Teyana's Decision.. }

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"Alright bet! You leave this room, don't expect me to be here when you get back." Chris said and slammed the door behind me. 

I sighed sitting on the bed going to my contact looking for Honey's name. I frowned not being able to find her contact. I then went to my messages and didn't see a conversation from her.

I groaned going to the blocked list and didn't see her name there either.

"Chris! Did you delete Honey's contact?!" I asked beating on the door. He didn't say anything. His music then started playing loudly and the shower started. "FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I kicked the door and walked to the living room sitting down crying.

I got tired of sitting on the couch so I walked out onto the patio. While sitting there, my phone started ringing. I looked seeing a FaceTime call from Makayla.

I answered. "Hey." I said, sniffing.

"Hey babycakes. Whats wrong? Have you been crying?"

"Just a little..." I answered. "Chris and I just got into a heated argument and now he's ignoring me in the bathroom with the music playing loud and shit. Fucking idiot, I just want to come home. I hate being stuck here." I said shaking my head crying.

"The fuck? Y'all suppose to be on a romantic vacation for your birthday and shit. What's going on?"

After explaining it to her, she got the picture. But of course she was on Chris's side.

"As much as I can't stand his big water ass head sometimes, I'm going to have to agree with him. You know Honey is nothing but trouble Tey.."

"You guys, I know! I FUCKING KNOW! Everyone can be forgiven though. Plus, she's helping us find Carter, I can at least be on good terms with her. She has all types of connections! If this doesn't work, I'm sure she can find someone else to help us." 

Makayla sighed. "I just know if you walk out that door, Chris is going to leave and you're going to be upset. Did you tell him any of this?"

I rolled my eyes. "I tried. He's not trying to hear it and so I don't care." I answered.

"You need to go talk to him. I'm going to hang up this phone and you go talk to him. Call me back after though." 



She ended the phone call. I sighed wiping my eyes and walked back into the room. Chris was just getting out the shower. He had a towel around his wet body and was drying his head with a towel.

"Chris, can we talk?" I asked walking into the room.

"If you about to leave, I have nothing to say." He dropped his towel revealing his body. I turned around closing the blinds.

"I'm not leaving.." I told him. "I just want to talk." I added.

He sighed loudly. "Lemme put some clothes on real quick." He said and I nodded sitting on the bed watching him. "If you gonna keep watching, you might as well suck my dick." He said.

The fuck?

"What?" I asked.

He laughed slipping on his briefs. "Nothing. What you wanted to talk about?" He asked sitting at the edge of the bed looking at me.

"Well...I don't think I'm going to go meet up with Honey tonight. But, I do want to explain the reason why I was going to with you." I said.

"If you not going meet up with her, there's no need for explaining anything. It's not happening so it doesn't matter." He shrugged saying.

"I know babe but just here me out for a second, please. I was finna go because you know if it wasn't for Homey, we wouldn't be this close to getting Carter back. I don't want to make bad blood with her because then she's just going to -"

"So you're worrying about your relationship with Honey more than your son?" Chris asked.

"If you would stop cutting me the fuck off, you would see that I'm trying to stay on her good side!" I said rolling my eyes.

Chris sighed shaking his head.

"I don't give a fuck about what side I'm on with her. I don't want nothing to do wit her or our family. She just needs to help wit this Carter situation then leave us alone. You need to tell her that and stop trying to be her friend Teyana." He started getting in the bed.

He had a point but like I said, I don't want bad blood with her!

"Chris you're right but-"

"Great, I'm right. So promise me you're going to stop fucking with her like that." He said sitting up looking at me.

"Chris I-"

"Promise me." He said again. I looked away at the floor then back at him.

"I promise.." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you."'

"I SAID I PROMISE!" I yelled. "God! Just leave me alone." I got out the bed walking to the bathroom getting ready for my shower.

Tonight was definitely horrible.


I love Teyana with all my heart.

That's my Queen.

My everything.

She just makes stupid ass decisions. I'm trying to do everything as her husband to support her but this Honey shit I'm not supporting at all.


"Shit. Straight to voicemail." I said locking my phone shaking my head.

"Chris prolly blocked yo ass that's why." Tony laughed smoking a big cigar.

"I fucking hate him! He's ruining everything!" I yelled throwing my shoe at the wall. "You need to kill him." I said walking up to Tony.

He opened his eyes looking at me then laughed. I mean he dying laughing. I didn't find anything funny. I was being 100% honest right now.

"Honey, I'm not about to take this man from his family for your affection. It's not happening. She doesn't look at you that way, so move on!"'

I shook my head rolling my eyes laughing down.

"Fine. I don't need your fucking help. I'll handle this my damn self."

"Good luck with that." Tony laughed.


Sorry For The One Chapter Update, I'm Posting More Chapters Tonight .
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