Chap. 40 { Aubrey's Friend.. }

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Excuse Any Mistakes...

"Mom, can I talk to you?" Aubrey asked coming in the bedroom.

"Hold on baby, let me call dad real quick then I'll call you back in, Okay?" She nodded walking back out the room. I grabbed my phone seeing missed calls and texts from Chris.

I laughed to myself reading them. I was in the shower the whole time. Just needed to relax in a warm bubble bath for a little bit.

I FaceTimed him back.  He answered and I smiled sitting the laptop back some showing off my boobs in his favorite blue lingerie set.

When the camera came on, Geno and Devon's faces were on the screen.

"OMG!" I screamed immediately covering myself up.

"AW HELL NO!" Devon said looking away.

"HELL YEAH!" Geno smiled into the phone like a lil ass kid. "Damn Teyana, you finna make me hard as fuck." He said.

"Geno where the hell is Christopher and why do y'all have his phone!?!!" I asked covering myself up with  my robe and sitting my computer in my lap.

"Don't worry bout Chris, flash me I'm ready." He smirked.

"Nigga give me this phone!" Devon said smacking Geno upside the head. I laughed shaking my head. Geno always try to flirt with me like he stands a chance. But it would be obvious that's how he jokes because he do it in front of Chris. "Wassup Teyana,"

"Hey Devon. Where's Chris?"

"He went -"

"NIGGA WHY YALL ON MY PHONE!" I heard Chris yell in the background. I laughed and then he jecked his phone from Devon's hand.

"Nigga don't yell at us! That's why we seen her titties!" Geno yelled.

"WHAT?!" Chris yelled lookin back at me.

I continued to laugh. "No Chris, it's not like that!"

"It was an accident man!" Devon said. "She thought we was you."

"Yeah, y'all nasty asses! You probably call with ya dick in the camera huh?Teyana flash me!" Geno said. That boy is something else I swear

"Nigga,  shut yo ass up before I beat yo ass." Chris said. He walked away somewhere else. "So, you showing niggas ya titties and shit, huh?"

"No I am not!" I laughed wiping my tears from Geno. "You know I'm used to you answering the phone only. I didn't except them to be on. Where were you anyways? They said you was gone." I asked.

"I went get some food ordered." He answered.

I talked to Chris for another good hour then we ended the FaceTime call. I went to Aubrey's contact FaceTiming her.

Within the second ring, she answered.

"Hey mom,"

"You can come baby." I said. I put my phone on the charger the waited for Aubrey.

Then the door opened opened and she walked inside.

"No Layah, go to bed!" She yelled.

"I want to sleep with mommy!" She whined.

I laughed sitting up, "A'Layah baby, mommy needs to talk to Aubrey right quick. When we're done, I'll come get you. Okay?"

"Okay mommy." She smiled and stuck her tongue out at Aubrey then ran out. Aubrey walked inside getting in the bed. "So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked playing in her curly hair.

"It's about a friend of mine, Olivia." She started. I nodded for her to continue. "She's...going through something right now with her family and it's affecting her with school and everything. About two days ago, I noticed marks on her arms." My mouth dropped.

"She's cutting herself?" I asked her. Aubrey broke down crying nodding. "Awee baby, come here." I pulled her close to me holding her in my arms and she bawled out crying in my chest. I even shed a little tear because I know how that feels to feel worthless and everything and start cutting yourself. I've been there, I've did it before. "It's okay baby."

"No mom, it's not! We HAVE to help her! Today she has a big bruise on her leg! She didn't even want to participate in gym today because she didn't want to show her thigh. She only showed me in the lockeroom. She didn't even come to practice!" She continued to cry. My heart felt for Olivia.

"What do you want me to do Aubrey?" I could feel she wanted me to do something.

She sighed, "Can she live with us?" She asked.

I was a little taken back by her response but I knew it was coming. Olivia and Aubrey are best friends.

"It's not as easy as you think hun. I can try to go and talk to her family, but -"

"No! You can't ! Their not going to let you take her! You have to just call the cops and just tell them what's going on." She said. "She wants to get away mommy, she really do!" She said. "We have to help her, we HAVE to help her!" She repeated crying and crying.

"I'm going to do the best that I can." She laid her head on my chest. "Hey, go clean your self up and get in bed while I go get your sister, Okay?" She nodded sitting up. "Don't worry baby, we're going to get her." I kissed her cheek.

"Thanks mommy. I love you."

I grinned hugging her back. "Love you too baby. Goodnight."





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