Chap. 23 { Surprised Visitor.. }

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Months Later...

"Bruh, you sure you wanna do this?" Chris asked me for the 10th time.

"I'm 100% sure. I can't leave him out." I told Chris. "I won't be long. Ima FaceTime you when we're done to come pick me up." We kissed and I got out the car.


"August, get up!" I got up from my bed stretching. "Got a visitor." He opened the gate and started cuffing me.

I honestly don't know who could be coming see me. I hope it's my mama. I been in here for some months now and it's hell here. My mama would come see me frequently and some of my dudes from the team would too.

I'm a pretty lucky guy to be honest. I was told I couldn't get any visitors but I been doing good, and got that granted to me.

I see Weezy around here too. We don't have any type of relationship any more. We would look at each other and then look away. I'm surprised he's even still alive. Could've sworn his ass was dead.

He just got here in the jail about 2 months ago because he needed to get surgery and therapy which he still takes. I got all this info from my mama.

I don't want shit to do with him anymore. It would've been a different story if he could've came up to me as a man and apologize about it. Then he could possibly be the baby's dad, I'm hurt.

* * * * * *

"Who is it?" I asked the officer. His name was Henry. Out do all of these officers in here, I fuck with Henry. We would talk from time to time when he would take me to come see my people or see the judge. He actually also talks to me and try to encourage me. I am thankful for that because it feels like I'm getting life learning talks from my dad. I don't have a dad, he died years ago. That's part of the reason why I turned to selling dope and shit.

"Some woman, I don't know." He answered. When we got to the visitation room, there were a few other people getting visits and other guards in here. Henry started taking the handcuffs off of me.

"Where is she?" I asked grinning.

I already know it's my mama. She's the only woman that comes to see me.

He pointed to the back table. I looked seeing someone sitting there. I couldn't see who because the person's back to me. 

"Um..'Cuse me.." The person turned around and my eyes widened not believing who I was looking at right now.


"T-Teyana?" I'm very surprised to be seeing her here. She's the last person I would see coming in here to see me.

"Hi.." She smiled, standing up. We shared a nice hug. It felt so good to hug her. I even felt her stomach touch my stomach.

"How are you?" I asked sitting down. She sipped some of her water.

"I'm good. How have you been? How is it in here?" She asked.

"Look at me, my hair grew, haven't brushed my teeth in months, barely shower because these niggas sneaky as hell, and I'm growing a beard. How do you think I'm doing?" I asked. She laughed a little.

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