Christmas Special

Start from the beginning

***Christmas Eve Eve***

Dinner was awkward to say the least. You felt horrible for Peter being in the middle of the family drama. The air was tense as Sam carried out conversation. Dean didn't talk until he heard fraternity. "So does your frat party a lot?" He asked. Here we go, you thought. "At least once a month for the most part. We just had our Christmas one. That's how I met Y/n." Peter replied. Dean slightly chuckled, "Of course you did." You glared at Dean. "Let me guess, you were dressed as Santa Claus?" Dean asked. Peter nodded in agreement before Dean looked at you.

"That reminds me, Y/n, do you remember your favorite Christmas?" Dean questioned, his mood uneasily lightening. You gave him a confused look and shook your head. "Oh, you have to. Dad dressed up as Santa to surprise you 'cause you were disappointed about not seeing mall Santa." Dean tried to refresh your memory. "Dad? As in John Winchester? He dressed as Santa Claus?" You questioned, not believing him. "I remember this. You slept on the pullout couch, and you put the milk and cookie next to the nightstand by you, so you could catch him." Sam added. Peter sat with interest as you sat with no memory of such a night. " I still have no idea what you're talking about." You stated, wanting to drop it before seeing Peter's enlightened face, "Tell it from the very beginning." You smiled.

Dean sat up a little, "You were about five or six. We were in Iowa, and you just got over being sick. Anyways, you begged us to take you to see Santa. Dad kept telling you no and that we couldn't make it on time." Dean started to tell the story before Sam picked up where he left. "So, when we get to the room, you were just crying and throwing a fit about not seeing him. It took you hours to calm down before you finally just fell asleep after refusing not to go to bed without the milk and cookie out." Dean then continued, "Dad looks at us and asked if it would really be worth it if he went out and came back as Santa for you. Considering the rough week you had before with being sick and your hours long fit, we agreed." "Then, Dad went out and did what needed to do before he came back. He purposefully woke you up. Your eyes lit up more than any Christmas tree." Sam finished as the two of them smiled.

You were softly touched on the head before opening your eyes. You sat up with a huge smile and eyes widened. There he was, right in front of your eyes.

Looking back, you could see parts of the black, scratchy beard under the fake white one. You could see the calm and tired brown eyes paired with that small smile your dad gave you. You smiled at your brothers, wiping away a tear that just slipped past your eye. "I'll be back." You exhaled before going to your room and finding the one picture that you had of you with your brothers and dad. You sat on your bed, remembering all of the big moments you could with them. It only took fifteen minutes for Sam to walk into your room. "You okay?" He asked as he sat next to you. You looked up from the picture, "Yeah, I think I am." He nodded back, "Well, I think it's official. Dean and Peter won't stop talking to each other. Now, they won't stop talking about you." Sam told you with a small laugh. You rolled your eyes, "I bet. Peter always asks about my childhood. Sometimes I just..." "Have no idea how to describe it without sounding crazy?" Sam guessed the end of your sentence. You gave confirmation with a nod. Sam lightly sighed before speaking, "Y/n, I've been in your shoes before. Wanting to be angry at Dad for everything, Dean for always obeying him, and not knowing where you fit in the family anymore. Then, realizing they both were doing the best they could do under the circumstances." He paused for a second, "It gets better. You'll find a way of life. It might not be clear now, but you'll figure it out one day." Sam finished. You simply nodded back at your brother.

***Christmas Evening***

You snuggled close to Peter as the little number of presents were passed to each other. You truly felt as though you have never noticed such peace in the bunker before tonight, especially after it felt tense the first couple of days you were here. After all of the presents were open, Peter adjusted in his seat and pulled out a wrapped small box. You gave him a confused look as he handed it to you. Both of you agreed to not get each other anything too fancy or expensive for the occasion since the relationship hadn't lasted a year yet. "What is it?" You asked with your hands around the wrapped box. "You have to open it to find out." Peter answered with a smirk. You stuck your tongue out at him before slowly unwrapping the present. You gently opened the velvet jewelry box. You were in slight awe as you saw the silver locket in the box. "It's beautiful, Peter-" "Open it, it gets better" he told you before you could finish you sentence before you took the locket from the box. Your fingers softly opened the circled shape locket. It opened into four sections that had a picture of your parents and brothers in the sections. You became speechless and continued to look at the piece of art. "D-do you like it? I t-thought that s-since you m-miss them so much-" Peter stuttering ended as you kissed him. "I love it just like I love you." You whispered as you ended the kiss.

*Requests? Thoughts? Sorry that the end wasn't the best.*

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