ship vs ship

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Sorry sorry and sorry. This chapter is about lgbtqia+ ships vs. heterosexual ships.

Now I know this is a jian book but they're on a "break". So I've decided to talk about this topic since it's been pissing me off.

So the press really loves celebrity couples we know this. They also love drama and rumours fan create to stir the pot. This is where my issue comes in at.

They tend to be very disrespectful when it comes to the "rumours" & "ships". Let me explain ....

Let me use Shawn and Camilla as an example. Before they got together people was shipping them. The press ate it up saying do u think they're together, do u ship it, would they be a good couple. They talk about how they were seen in public holding hands or out to eat...maybe even simply hanging out. Everyone cheerful and hopeful over the situation.

Now let's talk about homosexual ships. Yes I'm using Larry because jian isn't in the press and I want to compare celebs to make a point. So when it comes to Larry the press is like. So the fans have made up this crazy rumour about Louis and Harry dating. Also saying guys stop with the rumours it's not real they've denied it. Alsoooo I can't believe people ship this....don't they have girlfriends.

I'm just so feed up. Didn't Elton John have a wife? Ok

The press talks so highly about heterosexual couples that hang out.....but they can have the same amount of  "proof" of "rumours" about a homosexual couple but just disregard it.

Larry or any homosexual ship can be seen holding hands, eating lunch, making dirty freaking jokes, play kissing, flirting, and a whole lot more....and it's oh they're friends. Butttt ofc as soon as the heterosexual couple do such a thing as eat lunch together they're in love.

Also when Camilla and Shawn did come out as a couple press went and asked was it for a publicity stunt. So as you can see the press is never happy with what they get and just want to make up stuff to get paid and move on.

Just like Shawn and Camilla can claim they aren't dating Larry (homsexual) ships can as well. It's also more realistic that a homosexual couple would hide the relationship.

Like have nobody watched Shane Dawson video where he literally said they showed him a list of girls to be his "girlfriend" for publicity. He also said that they told him most of the relationships in Hollywood are fake. I'm so over it at this point.

Before u come for any ship be respectful no matter what gender. I understand people can go to far ....but they don't really care about that or anything they talk about. It's scripted anyway.......

I'm sorry for talking about Larry so much. When I started writing this they were on now that they started back I can elaborate on knj a lil more. I just thought this was a good platform to express those thoughts....but

Peace I'm out✌️✌️✌️✌️

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