A Ship

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JIAN IS A SHIP NAME. I'm tired of seeing some people using and saying jian but don't support the actual Jian Jian...like the ship. Jian isn't a short nickname for Kian and jc. It's a ship name. Like don't say I can't wait for the new jian video to come out. If u don't ship them or w.e don't use it too loosly. I look on Instagram and see people fan accounts like jian dis jian dat and they aren't shippers. It not like a big deal but jian is more than just a short way or saying there names. It more than a nickname. It's a ship and it won't be others fault if u give off the impression that u ship them. I'm making a chapter talking about Kian and his history with the magical word jian so stay STUNED as they would say.

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