kian and jian

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Kian and the ship name have alot of history. A interviewer asked him about jian once. She was talking about it and I guess she pronounced it a little off so he corrected her. He was like "say that again". She said it again and he was like "it's jian". This were a moment comes in so brace yourself lol. She said something like "so u obviously care about it". In which Kian responded "yea I do" or w.e idk if u heard it but if you watch jian edits or all of them like me out probably did. On YouTube there isn't that many edits so.......
Anyway another time he mentioned jian was in there video with the Merrell twins. She asked(idk which twin that was lordd help me) anyway she asked what's there ship name. BEFORE she even finished Kian was so quick to say Jian while jc was looking lost asf. Like he had he lips purched just ready to say it. Before the word ship was even audible to hear he said it was jian. In the new video they made he picked a girls @ name that had jian in it. Also reffering
To my last chapter just like the twin said "what's your SHIP name"and the anwser was jian. It's there ship name and Kian knows that as you saw by the video. Thats why when Kian picked @jiansjc in the new video i was like he knows what he's doing because he knows that's their ship name. You ain't sneaky Kian...trying to get jian out there.

Anyway my phone keeps autocorecting jian to Juan😐😐😑😶🙄🙄🙄 so pray for me. Hopefully u don't see a bunch of juans in my chapters

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