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Im not even gonna lie if you seen that video above....Chelsey looked so cute😵😂 I'm be so bipolar. Anyway let me say this.

If you know Heath you probably know his gf Mariah. This is where my topic comes in.

The difference in there relationships.

Zane and Mariah don't post each other every other couple days. They don't showcase every trip they take or what they do together. Mariah edits and she's cool and funny. Her personality also fits Heath.

I'm not saying Chelsey isnt cool or w.e but it's like she's just there. Idk how to explain it...I just hope someone understands and agrees to what I'm getting at.

I just feel like from the few clips I saw of Mariah....I'm like ayyy dats my dog. I like Mariah I feel as if I've learned and seen more of her personality then Chelsey. I've seen Mariah in a few videos ...or a couple clips. Yet I've seen Chelsey so many times and I'm still like...well she's cool I guess. Like I formed a good opinion on Mariah before I did Chelsey.

If you don't know who Mariah is this is probably pointless. But I hope u see my side of the story and peace✌✌✌

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