The Plan

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Jc P.O.V

Im sitting in my bed thinking about the video Kian and I filmed earlier today. I put the plan into action and well....

It didn't work. He cares about the little stuff like biting my finger but not me choking. Let me take it back for you.


"Our last meal" I state as me and Jc come to an end of our video. I shuffle our handcuffed hands to hand over the slushie to Kian. Yes...a slushie.

"Yea its a 3 course meal."

"Our last supper." I said as Kian took the cup

"Here Ill feed you" this is my perfect opportunity.

"Shout-out Jesus" Kian twists his ankle to try and feed me. Now the plan begins.

He feeds me dropping some slush onto me. I chew and after a few seconds spit and out and proceed to "chock."

"Dude u spit it back in the cup u b*tch. " Kian stated as he jumps away from me.

"I just chocked on ice and you don't care." Well I didn't really chock but u get the point. He didn't react well anyway...what a crack @ss.

"U spit it back In the cup" Kian exclaims.

Wowww he is really something else. For the rest of the video I try to carry a snobbish attitude towards him. Butttt to be I really HONESTLY don't care that Kian didn't react accordingly.

"Did you enjoy the..."

"No" I cut him off. It's not like his bestie was chocking on ice or anything. Why do I care so much though? Why wouldn't I care though...everyone wants to be cared for right? Yea. W.e

Back to reality

Yea soooo that sucked. It's fine I guess I should give up or let it happen naturally. I means its no fun pressuring it anyway.

"Jc hurry your ass up. What're you doing." I heard Kian calling outside my door. Snapping out of my thoughts  I put on my vans and head towards my car. I see a pouty Kian standing beside it..isn't he a grumpy one.

"Dude why so irritated." I state opening the doors as we got in.

"I'm freaking hungry and tired from freaking filming let's hurry and get back."  We have been filming alot since we want to start uploading everyday for a month. Now we have to go get freaking props for the next vid. Ughhh why can't we have a assistant for this crap.

We stop by McDonald's and continue our trip to The Grove. Once we got there we started walking around the now dark area. We picked up a few things while discussing some ideas. Once done we started to head to the car but ofc we got stopped Midway.

"Hey Kian and Jc what's up." Spoke the one and only Alex Wasabi. Next thing I see is a camera being raised to my face.

"Wassup guys" I say towards the camera and wassabi. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. Seeing a group of stranger's I assumed were fans I went over to take some pics with them.

Kian P.O.V

"Wassup bro" I spoke up once Jc left.

"So I have a new life goal I wanted to accomplish and I wondered if u guys would join me."

"Sure what is...I'm down for anything." I said to Alex and ofc the viewers.

"Jc...Jc come here."

"So I was thinking if anyway one would do this it would be you."

"What is it" Jc said with a curious yet nervous tone in his voice.

" I was thinking we could jump out of and airplane without a parachute."

"Dude what no way." I said walking away in shock. But when I looked back......

"Dude you'll do it." Jc had his hand out ready to shake Alex up. They made the shake official but I wouldn't let that go down. Not with my best friend.

"No, No you will you will not." I say tearing them apart. I turned to Alex to continue my rally before he tried shaking my hand to agree.

"Nooooo." I am not doing that and Jc wasn't either. I ripped my hand apart from him and turned to the camera.

"Jc has never been skydiving and he's definitely not doing it without a" I felt Jc staring at the side of my head the whole time whole covering his mouth.

We stayed and talked to Alex a little longer before we decided it was time to go home. We headed towards the car , sat the bags down, and headed home ...Jc driving ofc.

"Kian I'm not a baby I can do what I want."

"U sure do think like a baby. Why would want to do some stupid stuff like that." I looked over to him widely grinning. Is something funny? What's entertaining about this? Why does he look red?

For the rest of the ride Jc didn't say anything. Just rode in silence looking deep in thought. Probably thinking of Chelsey. I have to admit he looks so happy with her and I'm happy for him. Once we got home we started to part ways but not before Jc spoke.

"Good night Daddy." He said before going to his house while winking on the way. Idk what's up with Jc lately. I guess he justs missed Chelsey and is being a little needy. It's understandable though. I head to my room, shower, put on my pajamas, and close my eyes to a heavy sleep.

What a boring chapter but.........stay tuned.

stay tuned

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