Who You Are

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Kian P.O.V

"Jcccccc" I yell walking towards his room.

"Dude why the hell are u yelling if your coming towards me." I laugh...I love aggravating him it's funny.

"Do u want something to eat or not." I say smacking on a granola bar.


"Why not.. we're getting pizza." I try to convince him.

"I'm on a diet...gotta get some gains brotha."

"Dude w.e...u can still pitch in(pay) though."

"Why would I pitch in for u guys to eat...I'm not even eating." We both starting giggling as he spoke. I was about to leave until I saw a bin filled with hair dye.

"Whats that for?" I asked  pointing towards the bin.

"It's for my stream. They get to pick my next hair color."

"Jc honestly you should stop." I say giving him a serious look as he turned back to face the computer.

"Stop what" I walked closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder....cheesy moment let's go.

"You're perfect in my eyes.This whole diet thing and hair problems is extra."

"Shut up" He turns around laughing

"I'm serious though I can tell u aren't confident. You don't take your shirt off anymore. You compare yourself to a whale and complain you're big. Then u don't worry about your hair anymore complaining that it's dead anyway. All this is apart of growing up. Do it for healthy hair and a healthy body not for appearance. You look good dad"

"Well thanks for giving me a check up but I'm good doc." He gets up and start getting set for his stream.

"So do you want a slice...orrr slices?"

"Ok I'll have some now can u go already." I walk up and give him a hug.

"Good boy..now I don't have to pay that much." I laughed as he pushed me off

"Using me for money huh." He hands over his share and I leave the room

"Bye dadddd."

Jc P.O.V

Well that was...new. I played it cool but truth is i've been feeling insecure for a while. The fact that Kian knew that is scary. Is it that obvious? He saw right through me and what I've been hiding.

Nobody else said anything..not even Chelsey. Being rapped in kians tall lanky body made me feel a little more secure than scared though. The short hug made me feel protected like no matter what happened or how I looked he would be their.

I appreciate that now I can possibly talk to someone about how I feel. Anyway I start my stream and what for them to come back.

This chapter is just a little starter to get into the gooodd part of the book. I have this so we'll planned out in my head and actually plan on finishing it. So thanks Jessie J for inspiring this one shot series lol. I also try to make my chapters seem more realistic...like things I can actually see/hear them saying/doing. So yeaaa✌️✌️

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