I Like It

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Jc P.O.V

"Jc come on your hair looks fine" I hear Kian shout from the living room.

"I'm coming dude" I walk into the living room where the camera is now set up. Another day of filming ..let's go.

"U ready Jc"

"Yea" I say sitting down as he adjusts the camera.

"Ok 1 2 3....what's up everybody." We say in unison.

"Welcome to wacky Wednesday on knj channel. If you're new go and subscribe right now." I say.

We continue playing most likely to and after a few minutes we start to come to an end.

"Who's most likely to become famous one day." We both hold up cards that say the other person.

"Why u being so modest." I say with a pretty visible blush on my face. Is he saying that because of what happened yesterday.

"Because I think you'll be famous one day." Kian exclaims

"Who's most likely to try cannibalism." We say each other once again. I hold my finger out to be funny but Kian actually reach's out and bites me.

"*Gasps*...are u ok, are u ok, are u ok, are u ok, are u ok." Kian asks five freaking times as I looked at him shocked.

I laugh and push him trying to play it cool that I'm absolutely blushing...AGAIN. What is up with me?

" U care so much...yes" we finished up the video after five minutes.

"Jcccccc" I hear Chelsey calling right after the camera cut off. I head to my room to see her doing some last minute packing.

"She's on her way" Chelsey says giving me a peck on the lips and a quick hug. Her friends birthday party is a 3 day vacation and ofc chelsey's going.

"Have fun babe"

She gathers all of her belongings and we spend the next few minutes together before we hear a horn. I walk her to the door and we share another peck before saying out goodbyes.

"Jc can u send andy the video my laptops dead" kian says as he puts away the tripod and lighting. Once again chewing a granola bar...gosh does he love those things.


I get the things I need and head to my room. I watch a few minutes of the videos before it send it off and wow. My face was red ... tomato red...blushing red.

Kian has just been so nice and caring lately. Last week we made a video where I was suppose to do a backflip. Unfortunately I didn't land it and hurt my neck. He was with me every step of the way and didn't upload the video...because of we couldn't finish it. Every since then he's just been good to me.

I think he saw the disappointment on my face when I didn't land it. I thought the reason I didn't land it was because I was getting big. Buttt when I told kian "my fatass can't do a backflip" he assured me I can and it's his fault.

I send the video off to Andy after watching it. I think of the moments in the video Kian was caring and how much I liked it. I'm so weird...why am I feeling this way?

For some reason a plan comes to me. What if I do things on purpose that makes Kian show his caring side.Why not Chelsey gone and it's gonna be fun messing with him.

Seeing his sensitive and caring side is gonna be funny right? I'm not doing this because I love the affection my best friend gives me..am I? Nope..getting under his skin is my "funny mission" nothing more nothing less. So let this mission begin.

It crazy because I'm taking some actual things they did and said ...and it fits well with the plot. I can't wait to make the other chapters. Hopefully it gets better😈.. byeeeeeeeee ✌️

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