never thought this would happen

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I don't know what to say honestly. The intro where Kian was all over Jc man handling him and jc flaking like usual but low-key liking it. Kian is so extra pulling down Jc shirt 1:11 and cupping his face.😂 Kian saying he missed Jc and felt replaced hit me.  Ik that it's planned out but still. Anywho back to the intro. Kians face Jc mentioned Chelsey lawdddd. Yea it's to make it "funny" and it's a act or w.e.  but sometimes I think Jc just does that to make Kian jealous. Think about it all that was unnecessary to say. It's like he overexaggerate the fact he has a girlfriend. Like all the pics and how he talks about her. If anything Chelsey should be the one doing that it's Jc Caylen. He could've said I'm going to NY with Chelsey. He always has to point out she's his gf like sis we know by now. Why I say all of that is because afterwards he said not Kian. He know damn well it would've been more fun if Kian was there. Stay tuned for next chapter there's more. Those 3 words.

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