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Now im a little biased not even gonna lie. When it comes to Kian and jc shipped with other draws a line. Let me explain...

Firstly I'm biased towards Kian and jc getting shipped with girls. Like i could care less if Jc gets shipped with a girl. The problem comes in when Kian gets shipped with a girl. That might sound crazy sense he's supposedly straight.
Idk why but I guess it's because Kian mostly gets shipped with girls he's close to. Like he gets shipped with Franny... who is like his sister. Also Tessa ..a good friend of his. Kian looks into ships as well like he knows about jian and frian and he even makes up ship names. When it comes to Jc he only talk and know about ships when they blow up. Jc doesn't even get shipped with alot of girls either even before Chelsey.

Now talking about ships with other males. I honestly don't mind them because most of the time it's a bromances type of ship. If u shipped David and Kian or JC and Dom that's cool. Like alot of people like Bobby and Kian #bian. I don't mind bian because when I watched the edit I was like it's cute or w.e 😂. It's just that I can't see Bobby with a boy period not just kian. That's mostly because I was shipping him with Bryana for the longest and/or one of the Merrell twins(I forgot which one). Jc and Dom are one of my favorite duos and if they are shipped cool. I feel like them getting shipped with males are better. Mainly because with makes they can take it into a friendly approach most of the time. Rather than when there shipped with girls it's always in a romantic way and never a friendly way like with males.

I feel like I had more to say but idk..✌✌

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