new videos

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First we have the new knj video. Jian was alive during the first part of the video and in the rest of the video but not much. In the first part of the video Kian said " it feels kinda right" when they were like riding the cow and jc was behind him. I don't wanna reach but ...

Anyway this chapter is dedicated to Kian being bi. Alot of people think he is but the thing about me is I wouldn't come out and say it. Like if somebody asked me his sexuality I would say straight because that's all he's ever claimed to be(sort of). Just like u don't want to misgender anyone I don't wanna just say he's bi if it hasn't come out of his mouth. But here's just some moments I gathered up.

In the knj video Kian seemed like he really didn't care about it. I mean while jc is tryna get Kian the hook up he's leaning in to kiss him. I don't wanna sound like I'm reaching but I PROMISE you if you look closely enough u can see them gradually getting closer. It's not like a big deal but hey it's repetitive. Idk about you but go back and watch knj video and you can clearly see how sometimes they are close for no reason. They can be in different seats and still somehow manage to touch. It can be like when Kian rubbed Jc arm in the video they did with Ricky spill or fill your guts( that's not the actual name). Or every now and then you can see there knees touch or them poking each other like they always have to freaking touch. Go back and watch videos whether it's them in a collab or with each other and see what I'm talking about.

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