why jian is better

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I've. Been. Needing. To. Make. this. Chapter. For. The. Longest.

Many people might not understand why we ship jian. They look at 2 boys but I look at 2 souls and 2 hearts and see past that. I see past gender and look at the bigger picture. Wow I feel inspirational writing that but anyway let's just start off with support.

When Kian was in the movie The Chosen and they had the premiere who was there....Jc. He did a interview saying he was nervous and happy for kian. He called kian his brother, best friend, and roommate you name it. He was showing all around support and looked genuinely excited. That's not all though ...let's fast forward a lil bit. Jc surprising kian for the Before I Fall movie he was in. He suprised Kian with the best day of his life and they looked so happy. Jc showing Kian support is just the best thing. It was also a day off for them so they had it was like a little couple's retreat. Also the teen Nick award thingy. He congratulated him on that. I'm pretty sure its other little moments as well but....next case

Commitment is next on the docket. They have stuck together since o2l. Some of them grew apart and don't even see/talk to each other anymore. But nope knj stuck together and made a channel. This is something not many people think about. Out of everyone they stuck together and they weren't even the closest. Kian was closer to Sam and even ricky for a period of time. Yet they stuck together. It makes since that it was them that stuck together tho. Ricky was more mature and like the dad of the group. Sam was maturing really quick and not playing those games as u can see because he's married already. Connor been gone. Trevor was younger and doing his own thing. So that leaves the two crazy funny chill down to earth guys. Kian said it to this day...he don't know what it is but they've stuck together. Umm probably because it's meant to be. Everything happens for a reason.

Next caseeeeee.....we have boyfriend boyfriend, matching each other, and little touches and stares. They fake kiss and call each other boyfriend boyfriend but go back and say brothers. That don't add up Mr. caley (last name mashup yazz). Also they match each other and touch each other's butts. Jc licked kians nipple like come on these little moments are.... something else. Now talking about compliments. Kian shower Jc with complements. He called him cute and funny. He called Jcs hair cute and said he was a good kisser. Said Jc has better teeth and many more. Jc said he likes the way Kian cheeks go when he smiles and his eyes. Basically Kian likes everything about Jc. Because he also talked about liking JC's personality which is what's up next.

Their personalities. So after Kian showered Jc with all the 'physical' compliments we have what's inside.
He said the one thing he loves about Jc is how their personalities match basically. What hit me when he said that was when he said..."you don't have that with many people and I have it with u " or something like dat. With that said he's mainly saying that you can't find that with many people but he has it with Jc . Now this is what Jc said about their personalities. He said there so different but so alike and he doesn't understand it or know how or w.e. it's because it's meant to be ..you're suppose to have some differences because if you're to much alike it would be boring. I really like that they understand tho. Like how there personalitys match up just right.

Peace love and swagggg I'm out this. I'm pretty sure it's other reasons I ship them..maybe a short part 2 on the way in the future. Anyway ✌✌✌ keep shipping .

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