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Jc is the type of person who needs to work to get inspired. So with that being said....why the hell is he unmotivated. Make videos, start editing, go take some pics for pixxbyjc. Nawwww instead you celebrating your birthday for the third time and going with Chelsey to freaking Paris or France whichever one. Like you can be making progress but instead you stay around Chelsey doing other stuff. Going to a sauna, getting your hair done, going to concerts, celebrating your birthday unnecessary amount or boi. When Jc started tweeting about him being unmotivated the first thing I thought about was Bobby. In Bobby Q&A video he said he think you should surround yourself with people that inspire you. Sooooooo a few months back in the exposing Jc video he said Kian motivates him and that's what he loves about him. Now he's with Chelsey all moved out and now motivation. Yea w.e you say she's supporting you butttttt she's also  a distraction. THATS ONE OFTHE MAIN REASONS YOU MOVED OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Saying u and Kian would get distracted....well now instead of Kian it's Chelsey....that no better. I mean it has to take more than work to get Jc motivated...I think it's also the people he surrounds himself with....and it's obviously not Chelsey. Like it's easy for Jc to work. Make a main channel video or even edit for a friend idk. I feel like that was just a dumb excuse to move. They were doing better when they lives together. He just wanted something for him and Chelsey to have privacy. Nothing else he said made sense. I mean love can blind you until the point you see no flaws. It seems like Jc is OVER IT.  You know how you're friends with someone for so long it's not even special anymore.

I just don't know what to say. The spark of the channel is gone. All Jc energy is going to Chelsey. Kian is peeping that and is trying his best to remind Jc he's still there. It's just a whole lotta whole lotta.

Jc comment tho

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Jc comment tho..."I was home all day"
So apparently Kian told Jc he was home all day but..... yea. If he was were you gonna hang out with him or what. Now u see how it feels...a taste or your own medicine. Just like you go out with Chelsey hes going out with other friends. I think he was with Bobby but w.e✌✌✌

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