Chapter 30

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A/n: the picture on the side is Katie which is me so I wanted you guys to get a visual. Enjoy this double update weekend!(:

Katie's Pov

"I'm trying to do something unforgettable to steal your heart."

Did Matthew really just say that? He's been trying to steal my heart?

"Matt.. I don't know what to say." I was so shocked. How do I even respond to that? He was the boy who made my life miserable for years around.

"Sorry Katie, I just wanted to be honest with you." He scratched the back of his neck well looking down.

"Well let me be honest 'with you. I forgive you but, I'm not jumping onto you like that." The idea of that made me cringe. This is all happening too fast. 3 kisses, 3 new friends, and 1 mystery I need to solve. This doesn't happen to normal people.

"Give me some time to settle into this. Please."

"Ok. I think I should go back out there," Matt responded. He started to walk out but he looked toward the stove and pointed at it with his eyes going wide. "ummm Katie, it's on fire."

I turned to the stove and saw the pasta was on fire. "AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed and ran around franticly. (Basically something I did once.)

Matt ran to the fire extinguisher and sprayed the cold substance all over the kitchen.. Even on me. "AHHHH!" I covered my face when it hit my body.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Katie!" Matt dropped the extinguisher and ran over to me.

He started to wipe it off my face and then he stopped and we locked eyes yet again. Before I knew it, out lips locked. At this point you would think I would push him away but me being a slut didn't move muscle. When we kissed it felt like all the bad memories of my life get erased. Cheesy huh?

When I realized what I was doing I slowly pulled away.

"Matt.. I can't. I can't do this." I shuttered out. What I mean by I can't do this is that I can't just pretend that I never kissed Nash and carter. That wouldn't be right.

"Did you even feel a connection?" He looked at me with sad eyes.

"Ye-" I was cut off by the boys running in making sure everything was ok.

"Guys, guys calm yourself's. Were ok it's just that we were in a deep conversation and I forgot about the pasta." I calmed them down.

"But what are we supposed to eat?" Jack J crossed his arms and pouted.

"The answers simple. We go out." I pointed toward the door.

"I WANT PANERA!" Nash raised his hand.

Seems like everyone agreed because before I knew it we were in the car chanting Panera. Well the guys were singing awfully, I got a text.

Unknown- did you put the puzzle pieces together and figured out my secret slut?

Who could that be? Hannah.

Me- Not yet but I intend to find out so don't get your hopes high I won't figure it out☺️🔪

Is it bad I used the knife emoji?

After that she never responded.


Double update woot!

So who do you guys ship?






Comment who you ship

I also want to know what you guys are being for Halloween!!!!!!!!!

Comment that too I gotta know😉

Also guys what? Next Friday is the 3 month annerviersery of this book!!'Don't judge if I spelled that wrong😂

I'm so excited like we've come far in three months



Unforgettable; mle (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt