Chapter 17

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Matthews Pov

So after carter left I decided to make a YouTube video about what has been going on and all that jazz.

Once edited it which took forever I uploaded it and had my phew moment.

I was looking on the popular page and I came across a video with

The one and only


I just had to click it. I mean who wouldn't?

So I clicked on it and watched.

She basically just told everyone about her. And might I say, it was pretty funny.

She was talking and then her lamp literally fell and she just looked the camera speechless.

I was laughing my ass off.

But I knew this is all I have of her..

She's gone now.

I sighed and subscribed to her.

That's when I received the best call of my life.

Katie's Pov (oh snap😂)

So as I left all of you at a cliffhanger, the door swung open.

And it was the freakin police

Ugh well that just RUNIED my day.

"Put your hands up!" One of the cops yelled at my dad.

There were two cops.

One was so skinny I can't even.

Then the other was fat.

My dad slowly put his hands up.

The skinny one lunged at him and put him in handcuffs. Serves him right.

The big fat one helped me up.

"Hello young lady, are you ok?"

Pshh ya I'm swell. I got rapped by my dad and have been abused and trapped in this room for 3 days, how are you doing?

"Umm. Yeah I feel pretty good." I mumbled back.

"Well honey were gonna send you to the hospital to get you checked up."

"Ok, just get in the back of the ambulance."

I climbed in the back of the ambulance and when we drove away I saw my dad getting pushed into the back of the cop car.

He saw me starring and mouthed to me 'ill get you'

I got chills down my spine.

For the rest of the ride I thought about what was gonna happen to me once I get back home.

Oh no I have to face them again.

I'm scared shitless now. Ugh

Why didn't I kill myself when I had the chance to?

Once we pulled up the driver took me inside and showed me to a room.

I waited until the nurse came in to check me up.

Then a really pretty girl walked in

Look around my age

About 5'5 with blonde hair and pretty blue eyes.

When she was walking in she knocked over a plant.

She tried catching it but she didn't.

"Shit." She mumbled under her breath.

I already knew she was something special.

"Oh um hi, my names Bonnie." She embraced her hand to shake mine.

"hi." I simply replied back.

"Not to be rude but, aren't 16 year old girls not supposed to work here?" I asked.

"Oh well I'm a intern. My mom is a nurse so she got me a job. But it de isn't pay, sadly." She giggled.

"What's your last name?"

What? Sorry for being as curious as I am.

"Its Grier. Bonnie Grier at your service."

As you all might be thinking I might be soo shocked but I wasn't.

Nash did look a lot like her. I mean she has the eyes so.

"Ohhh. I'm guessing your a fan of Nash's. Everyone of the teen patients are, so this isn't shocking me."

"I'm the complete opposite." I whispered so she couldn't hear me.

"hmmm.. Wait you look like someone I know." She said curiously.

Then I realized it.


Tehe cliffhanger 😏

She what do ya think???

I hope u liked it!

And I just hit 7k(:!!

So thanks sooo much i love you all.

Let's cut to the chase.

Who do u think her brother is now?

I think u guys can guess.

And I have really sad news):

Matt didn't win anything at the tcas

I was so upset 😂

But o2l Shawn and cam did win

something so woooo🎉

And I dedicate this chapter to my friend Bonnie (:

I love her sooo much

Remember to vote comment and follow me!



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