Chapter 26

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Katie's Pov

That voice... That ugly high pitched voice.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"Hannah says well walking over here with her books in her arms, looking all kind and gentle which she's not.

"Hey Hannah." Payton said well rolling her eyes.

"Hey Payton! Look I know that your not cool but, your hanging out with her? That brings your popular statutes Way low." She said in a sassy voice, gesturing to me.

"Who are you talking about Hannah? For all I know me and my friends are cool. If it's anyone being low, it you. So you and your posse are Way lower than us." Payton fired back mimicking Hannah's words.

"Yeah right. Just listen up," now she was talking to me. "You better not think anything more of yourself now. Your still the same piece of shit you were before you got rapped by your dad. Guess you aren't daddy's little girl." She now had her pointer finger against my chest well I was pressed up against the lockers.

I was speechless. How does she know about my kidnapping? How does she know it was my dad?

"Aw. The little virgin is too scared to talk. Wait you aren't a virgin." Then she started to laugh her evil laugh.

I didn't know how to react.

"Hey do you hear that?," Bonnie said well putting her hand to ear. "Cause it sounds like lies."

"Shut up Bonnie. You have no idea what's true or what's not." Hannah hissed.

"Well I'm pretty sure that someone that desperate would make up the silliest lie ever." Bonnie challenged back.

Hannah was still right. Bonnie doesn't know what's the truth and I plan to never tell anyone.

But now Hannah knows so knowing her, she'll tell the whole school.

Hannah laughed. "Wanna bet whore?"

"Gladly." Bonnie didn't seem hurt at all.

hannah looked at me with a smirk then back at Bonnie and the other girls. "You'll find out... Someday," then Hannah look back at me.

"I've just gotta make the time right." She winked at me and then walked away.

We kinda stood there in silence for a couple minutes.

"What the fuck was about that?" Lana asked a little scared.

"It was nothing. Hannah's just seeking attention." Payton rolled her eyes.

Just then the bell rang. "Oh well I better get going to social studies." I said quickly.

"Really? I'm in it too!" Lana said happily. "How come I never see you in there?"

"Umm. I usually sit in the back.." I said well looking down.

"Well you should sit with me today. I need to get to know you better anyway." She giggled.

"Ok." I smiled.


Hey beautiful ppl☺️

I'm literally so happy right now.

One, it's the weekend for me!🎉

But I lost it-.- typical me✌️
Plus I'm going tping tomm lol.

Sorry if it's a little short but remember I'm updating twice today and maybe tomm ya never know.

So anyways comment, vote, and follow(:



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