Chapter 3

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As I was walking to school I thought of my life and how it is
My mom passed away when I was 7 in a car crash and my dad is never around. He's always out drinking or at a wild party.
I also have a brother which I don't want to even speak his name now. You'll find out who he is later on.
Before I knew it I was approaching school. I got tense when I stepped into the halls. But believe it or not (nah) people weren't giving me the disgusted looks like I always have gotten.
I mean I've changed a little bit over the summer.
When I was being called 'fat' I kinda lost a lot of weight and I'm not lying I was pretty chubby!
And around mid July I got my tips of my hair blonde.
So.. Is that what you call very different?
Well anyways, I kept getting asked for my number but I was too shocked to give a answer. I just kept walking like I didn't hear them but my facial expression looks like I did.
Once I saw my locker I sighed with relief.
No sign of my bullies yet
I smiled into my locker when I got my books.
"Ohhh look who it is guys!" A voice spoke. I knew who's it was.
Wish me luck..

Hey sorry it's lil bit short 😂 I hope u like it soo far
I've gotten 7 reads so woo?😂


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