Chapter 29

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Katie's Pov

Later that night Nash eventually left and it was just me and my brother.

"Hey Katie wanna make a Vine?" Cameron asked.

"What? That thing you were doing with Nash earlier?"

"Yeah. I've already got 10 followers." He started to fangirl.

I laughed and responded, "sure why not?"

He held up his phone so it was focused right but little did I know he started. Me being me I started waving my hands and jumping up and down screaming, "Cameron can you see me!!!"

He started laughing and he told me it was over.

"Wait you started it?" I asked dumbly.

"Yeah. You didn't know that?"

"No! Cameron please don't post that!"

"Too late." He said with a evil smile.

right when I started to complain I got a text.

It was a unknown number

Unknown- hey it's Lana(: I got your number from Payton.

I changed her contact name and texted her back

Me: heyyy I'm so mad we canceled the Starbucks xc

Lana❤️: me too. For sure tomm✌️

Me: yeah. Payton and Bonnie can come too.

Lana❤️: yasssss👏 you should come hang with me and some of my guy friends this weekend. There super cool.

Me: of course I will! I gtg for now but I'll text you later 💋

Lana: ok bye Jackie xxx

And with that our conversation ended.

It feels a little different having friends. Believe me it's a good different but I love it.

I was scrolling through twitter for awhile but was interrupted by noises of voices filling my house.

I got up curiously and made my way downstairs to find all my brothers friends in the kitchen, pigging out on junk good.

Teenage boys.

When I got to the kitchen they all stopped and started at me, with chips, or I've cream stuffed in there mouths.

They were very still I might add.

I chuckled, "So I'm guessing this is your dinner?"

"Yash." Matt said with his mouth full of popcorn. He looked so cute... Say what?

"why don't I make you guys dinner?" I made my way to the pantry.

they all cheered well I told them to shut up and wait in the living room.

Well I was making spaghetti and meatballs someone walked in.

That someone was Matt.

"Hey." I said well not looking up from the ground meat I was making into tiny little balls.

"I think we should talk." He said softly.

I sighed and stopped from making dinner.

"Speak." I put one hand on my hip.

"Well dont you see how hard I'm trying?" His hazel eyes blazed into my brown shimmering eyes.

"What do you mean by trying?" I was puzzled.

"You don't know?"


"I'm tying to do something unforgettable to steal your heart."


Boom powwwwwww

There's the chapter(:

I've decided I'm updating every week on Fridays or maybe earlier 😏

Before I go I want to dedicate this to one of my best friends Lana. She's been going through a though time and I feel so awful for her): I love her to death I hate to see her like this so if you comment some nice words to her it would make her and my day❤️ it would mean the world if you did!

Bye guysssss



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