Chapter 35

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A/n: I thought the picture at the top describes all of us fangirls. Anyway another update for you awesome peeps

Matts POV
I have to tell Katie how I feel later? I don't think I can just pretend I'm happy being friends with her.
I mean I am but, still. I've liked for for quiet awhile now.
It was one of the times last year before summer break me and the boys ganged up in her. That was the day I backed down to punching her.

Flask back
We got Katie all trapped up, crying her eyes out in a alley way. Fucking baby.
We were throwing punches and kicks at her well laughing our asses off. She was screaming in terror. Even though she was Cameron's sister, we don't give a shit. She's a unwanted slut.
As I was about to throw the final punch, I looked down at her. Her head was bruised up, nose bleeding, and her arms were full of blood. She slowly looked up at me.
Her eyes. Her eyes showed she was in pain, pleading for me to not hurt her.
So my fist stood there, in mid air. Not throwing the punch.
"Well...aren't you gonna finish her off Matt?" Jack g asks.
No. I can't.
"No. We're done here guys. Let's go." I walk off and don't look back.

And ever since then, I've felt something for Katie. Over the summer, I would tend to miss seeing her. All my anger for hitting her all these years built up over that time and when school rolled around I let it all out.
On Katie.

Katie's POV
I wonder what Matt was gonna tell me. He seemed pretty anxious all day at school when I saw him through the hallways.
Probably trying to get use to being friends with a freak.
Anyways, I was walking out of school when someone stopped me. Hannah.
"I see what your doing katie." She stand infront of me with her arms crossed.
"What do you mean?" I tired to act clueless.
"Oh don't act like you don't know. You're trying to steal the boys away from me!" She squeals.
"remember I know your little secret and With a couple words and a press of a button, the whole school will know too. So I suggest you stop." She continued with that ugly smirk on her face.
I gritted my teeth squeezed my fists together and walked away. I am going to find out who told her. But I can't do it alone. The only person that knows is Cameron but that's not enough.
I'm gonna have to tell the people I trust most and the only people that are there for me. The boys.

Later that day, I told Cameron to bring nash, carter, jack g, and Matt over and only them. Jack G is so sweet and I know I can trust him. The other three.. Well you get why.
I was upstairs doing homework when I heard the front door open.
"CAMERON! WE GOT YOUR S.O.S TEXT MESSAGE!" Nash's voice booms though the house. I smile and walk down stairs.
I see jack looking in the fridge, well Matt and carter are on their phones. Nash wasn't in sight at the moment.
When jack finally sticks his head out of the fridge, he asks me, "Hey Katie, do you know where cam is??"
By now there all looking at me.
"The message wasn't about cam. It's about me."
"What do you mean?"
I take a deep breath and speak again.
"I need your guys help."
They look confused so I guess I gotta tell them now.
"When I was taken, I was in a small room. Where no one can hear me. My dad could have done anything he wanted," I continued hoping they'd get they message but there dummies.
"And he did.....he raped me." I finished and looked down ashamed.
"Katie I'm so-" carter started off and I cut him off.
"I'm not done yet." I snap.
"Hannah knows......and I need help trying to figure out who exactly told her. That's where you guys come in." Gesturing my hands to them.
They say in silence for a couple of minutes, looking at me with sorrow and sadness. Probably because of me.
Matt finally stood up and went in the middle of us and put his hand out.
"I'm in."
I looked up at him and grinned well carter and jack G put their hands in too.
I stand up and put mine in and finally realize...we're missing something.
"Hey....where's Nash?" I question well looking around.
Just on cue, we see a Nash with a sandwich and chips in his hands.
He walks in but stops.
"What did I miss?" I chuckle and pull him in the circle, causing his chips and sandwich to fall.
"Squad up?" Jack says with a smirk.
We all laugh and on the count of three, we all yelled squad up. Except Nash who looked utterly confused.
Well I guess I have to explain this again.

yooooo another update lol
I have some news....I'm gonna meet the boys in the summer pshhhh no big deal
*screams mentally in head*
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