Chapter 2

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I woke up to a horrible noise. Oh it's just my alarm clock that reminds me it's the first day of school. Yay me..
I got up but i was still half asleep and I forgot to turn my alarm clock off. Oops
I took a quick shower and put on my fuzzy robe and went to my closet and figured out what to wear for my first day back at high school. That's right, it's my first day back and I was dreading this day the very first day of summer.
It's all because of them..
If u don't know who I'm referring to it's these bitches
Matthew Espinosa, Nash Grier, carter reynolds, cam Dallas, Taylor Caniff, Shawn mendes, Aaron carpenter, jack g, and jack j
They are my worst nightmare. I don't want to face them in the hallways anymore

Anyway I picked out a black circle skirt and a white lacy crop top with my black vans
I curled the ends of my blonde hair and clipped a lace black bow in the back of my hair
I put on some simple makeup but I mostly focused on my wrists
I covered up my scars with foundation and put some on my face
Then mascara and simple eye liner
And I was ready to get going

I haven't eaten much since I've been called fat more than a million times. Not just by the boys but by everyone! Ugh

I grabbed by backpack and went off to school..
Wish me luck

Hey guys! What do ya think?😏 Ik it's a bad start but it will do for now
Please read
I literally just started this 20 minutes. Ago😂
Anyways bye


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