Chapter 20

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Katie's Pov

So it was the next morning, and I was waiting for Cameron to come visit me.

I feel so happy were in good terms again. Just like when we were little.

Ya sure he's 19 and I'm 16 but we still get along.

As I was thinking about the time me and Cameron fought over a pencil, he walked in.

"Hola" I said.

"Como estas?" He replied.

"Better. Y tu?" I kept talking in Spanish.

"Horible" he said back.

We both burst into laughter.

My face got all hot from laughing so I tired to calm down.

"So Katie.. I brought a few people with me." He stammered.

Oh my fuck.. He wouldn't. Would he?

"Cameron Alexander Dallas, please tell me you didn't bring them." I kept calm.

"Ummm. They sorta wanted to come see you." He said nervously.

Oh this boy is so lucky I'm in the hospital.

"Please don't send them in. I don't want to see them." I pleaded.

"Katie, you don't understand. They've been worried sick." He fired back.

Right when we make up we just have to fight...really?

"...they get 5 minutes each." I sighed.

Cameron smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you. I promise they won't hurt you. There actually nice guys." He chuckled into my ear.

I laughed and pulled away from the hug.

"Well there gonna have to prove it." I said well crossing my arms.

"I'll go get them." With that, he ran out of the room.

Why do they care now? I know they apologized and all, but they care that much? I think not.

Cameron's Pov

Once I left Katie's hospital room, I went to get one of the guys to see her.

They were all on there phones.


"Hey guys, Katie said she'll she you guys." I quickly got them zoned out of there phones well they shot up.

"I'll go first!" They all said at the same time.

Then they started to fight.

Guys? Guys! GUYSSSSS! CALM YOUR TITS" I screamed well standing up on a chair.

They all stopped and looked at me.

"Look pick a number 1-10 and then I'll see who's closet to what I'm thinking of." I said.

They all chose there number and of course Nash was the number I chose.

I swear he knows me too well.

So I walked him into Katie's room then left.

Katie's Pov

As I waited for Cameron to come back with one of the guys, I started to play with my spoon.i put it on my nose and crossed my eyes.

Then I didn't even hear the door open, I heard a chuckle.

With my crossed eyes I could make out a guy who's tall, and the brightest blue eyes known to man.


"Oh hey" I said well taking the spoon off my nose.

"Hey." He laughed and sat down on my bed.

"Five minutes." I said well grabbing my phone and setting the timer.

"Well Katie. I'm so so so so sorry for what I did well, what we did. We all regret our actions we really want to make it up to you. I stayed up all night thinking about what we've done. I Ruined everything in your life.. Even the friendship you had with my sister."


I didn't know a boy that immature could say words like that.

Well, you learn something new everyday.

"Wow Nash. I can't believe you didn't forget about Bonnie and me." I said with a slight smile.

"How could I? You were always over at my house, always happy but, I guess we kinda Ruined that."

He looked down.

I brought his chin up.

"Hey. It's gonna be ok. I'm better now and you've shown me that you do care." I smiled at him.

"Soo you forgive me?" He said with hope.

"How couldn't i?"

As soon as I said that, he pulled me into a hug.

Once we pulled away we looked at each other for a second... And he does the impossible..

He leans in.



Cliffhanger! I know I haven't updated for what seems forever ahhh😂

So I wanted to give you guys a heads up...

I'm going to have some of you guys try out to be one of the boys gfs!!!

Ikr you can stop screaming😂

The ppl that r taken or are gonna be used for.. Specific purposes😏




Cam and

Jack g

So I will have the try out thingy later on in the book.

Oh and I want you guys to know that Katie is me Except with a different name.

Soooo that's all

Ly guysss🍍✌️



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