Chapter 25

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Katie's Pov

My scars were showing in plain sight..

But how?

I made sure to cover them extra good. Wait. The foundation must've come off when my arms rubbed against the couch. I've always had bad karma and this was one of my bad luck moments. ever since I broke that mirror at hobby lobby when I was 10, I've had the worst luck. (true story 😂)

"Katie your arms are all red! What happened?" Nash said with a concerned look.

"No shit." I mumbled

"Are you ok?" Cameron said.

"Ummmmmm aren't you guys gonna flip out and give me a lecture about hurting yourself?" I sassed.

"No.. All you did was rub your arms against...what?" Nash questioned.

huh? How can't they be flip- wait. They couldn't even see my cuts since the think coat of foundation was still holding on to my arm.

My arms were just really red.

Thank The Lord.

"Oh umm up against the couch. Listen I gotta go to bed bye guys!" I replied as quickly and sweetly as I could and ran upstairs.

Once I shut the door behind me I let out a sigh of relief.

Just then I got a text message.

Unknown: hey Katie it's payton😜

I added her to my contacts and changed my contact name for her

Me: hey Payton xx

Payton😛: we still on for tomorrow?

Me: of course! I haven't been out with a friend in like 4 years😂

The sad part if it was it's true. The last time I hung out with someone was In the winter when I was 12 going on 13 in January with Bonnie.

Payton😛: 😂😂 well I'm gonna have to make those 4 years up. Starbucks?

Me: Uhm yas! But wait we have school):

Payton😛:oh yeah): Starbucks after school? (Who thought of matts YouTube video when they read this?😂)

Me:sure I'll meet you in front of the school(;

Payton😛: yay! Oh and do you mind if some of my friends tag along?

I tensed when I read this. Sure I've made two friends but, I'm still a shy person.

Me: I need to get out more and meet new ppl anyways so sure!

Payton😛: Omg yay. You'll love them. Well I gtg I'll text u tomorrow xx

Me:bye x

Speaking of bed. Damn it's 12:03am.

I set my alarm and snoozed off to sleep.


My beautiful slumber was interrupted by freezing, and I mean freezing cold water on my face.

I screamed and shot out of bed.

Once I could properly see again, I saw Nash, Cameron, jack g, jack j, and and carter laughing there asses off.

Ok not funny.

"You should have seen your face!" Jack j said between his laughs.

I scoffed and dragged myself to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I was done, I went to go grab some clothes for today.

I chose a Coral crop top that said 'California republic',high waisted black jeggings with three buttons, and powder blue vans. To match my vans I took out a powder blue bow.

I straightened my hair until it was flat.

I did my normal makeup mascara and foundation.

When I got to my wrists I got stood there, looking at them.

Should I still cover them up? Should I show the worlds secret?

No.. Not just yet.

I shrugged all this off and covered them up extra extra good just in case.

Once I was done I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

Cameron and Nash were throwing cereal at each other.

I causally went in the kitchen and they never noticed me yet.

"Surrender Cameron!" Nash yelled at him well pummeling Krave at cam.

"Never!" Cameron was throwing lucky charms.

I decided to stop and win this thing. I came in the middle of them and started to throw Cheerios at both of them. Cereal went flying everywhere. Both of them covered there face up with there hands.

"Ahh! Ok ok we surrender." Nash and Cameron put there arms up in defense and I stopped throwing the cereal.

"Good. Now you two have wasted enough of my time." I got my backpack and grabbed a apple.

"See you guys at school!" I said before I shut the door. Wait school. Why wasn't I panicking? Will the guys stick up for me at school? Will they just ignore me?

I'm so nervous now. My stomach feels like it's gonna explode. I'll be fine I'll go find Payton or Bonnie first thing.

Once I entered school I sped for my locker. Once I got to it I let out a huge sigh. I got my stuff for my first period, science.

I was walking until I saw Payton talking to some girls. I ran over to her and said hey.

"Oh my gosh hey Katie!" She said sweetly and have my a hug.

"Is this the girl you talked about earlier?" A girl with braces said.

"Yeah guys this is Katie." Payton gestured her hands toward me.

"I already know who she is." I heard a girl say. It was Bonnie.

"Hey Bonnie." I giggled.

"Hi I'm Lana." The girl in the braces said.

She was so pretty. They were all so pretty.

She had long brown hair tied back into a ponytail, shimmering brown eyes, and braces which really suited her.

She was wearing a white ripped jeans, a flowy neon pink cami, and black vans.

She was perfect.

"Hi Lana I'm Katie." I stuck out my hand she shook it.

"These are the girls were getting Starbucks with after school." Payton said.

"Cool." I replied.

It felt so good to be actually wanted.

Like I belong to the world.

Just then every ounce of my confidence drained.


Hey ppl that are reading right now. I hope you liked this chapter(:

And guys let's take a moment and notice how hottttt Matthew looks with his ears Re-Periced. He got them Periced in 8th grade but they closed up I guess 😂

It's the cutest thing ever☺️

Anyways I'm trying to update as much as I can. If I don't for awhile it's because of homework. Everyone's favorite thing to do! Jk

Right now I'm blowing off my Spanish homework. Rebel ✌️

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