Chatper 23

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Katie's Pov this really happening???

He's freaking leaning in!!!!!!!!

Once his lips touched mine, I might have died. I didn't feel anything like mash and Carter's kiss. I felt.. Different. Our lips moved in a sync so I kissed back (duh). His hand cupped my cheek and we kissed for awhile.

Once I was about to pull away,

The door opens.

And guess who stands in the doorway?

Harry styles!(jk😂 sorry I got bored with seriousness.. I'm never serious lol)

My brother...

We pulled away as fast as a lighting bolt hitting a tree.

He seemed confused at first but, I guess he shook it off because he bro-hugged Matt and asked of we made up.

"Ummm we kinda-" Matt cut me off by saying, "yeah were all glad." He said well putting a thumbs up. (I can see him doing this lol)

"Good. I'm glad we can all be friends." Cam said with a huge grin.

"Ya... Friends." I fake smiled.

I did not forgive Matt. So why the hell would he say that we were friends?

He did do something unforgettable...

Giving me the best kiss I've had.

Yeah, I've had previous kisses in my life that I don't wanna talk about..

Just yet.

Matthews Pov

I mean hey, I did the unforgettable so I hope she realizes that I'm worthy of our friendship. Or something more.

To be honest, I did feel sparks in our kiss, like major sparks.

I wonder if she did.

But she gave me something unforgettable.

The best kiss I've ever had.

Katie's Pov

Finally I was leaving the hospital!

I'm literally the happiest person on earth.

The only thing that's bothering me is Matt.

I was thinking about all these things and then I realized I'm the dumbest person on earth.

They.... Like me?

No, they couldn't.

We just became friends well, except for me and Matt. But Nash and carter?

I have to admit they we're both pretty attractive.. Same for Matt.

I'm in the worst situation.

If they do like me, I have to choose.

If they don't, I'm gonna go back to being the dumbest person on earth.

I was snapped out my thoughts by dr.evergreen, my doctor came in.

"Hello Katie. You can leave now. Once your brother finishes your paperwork." He smiled.

"Ok thank you very much for taking care of me." I smiled back.

What? I'm a polite person... Only to adults though.

"Your welcome and, I'm afraid to tell you we have no other clothes than the stuff you were wearing a couple days ago." He handed me those gross clothes that I'm throwing out, or better yet burn.

Yes they are clean but, these are the clothes I got raped in so you get my point now?

So I got up from my hospital bed to the bathroom to change.

I slipped on the clothes with a disgusted face.

I crinkled my nose and scrunched my eyebrows.

I hated the feeling of them but, I can't go out naked.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, Cameron was sitting on the bed playing a game on his phone.

"Fuck!" He screamed well having a 'seizure' on the bed.

He didn't seem to notice me so I spoke up.

"Having fun..?"

He stopped having his freak attack and looked at me.

"Oh I didn't see you there."

"Ya I could tell." I giggled.

"Sorry I was playing my app Cash Dash." He said very casually.

Pshhhh yeah go Biggy I have my own app.

we walked out and went to the car and I went in the passenger side well Cameron went to the driver seat.

We were driving for about 5 Minutes and I looked over to my left and saw Nash's face poking out from the back seat.

"Nashty" he said with his cheeky smile that could melt a girls heart.

"AHHHHH" I screamed in shock.

Cameron slammed the breaks.

"What? Who? Where? Nash?" He said quickly.

"Cam." Nash replied.

"How'd you get in my car?"

"I snuck in the back well we were playing our app." He said well shrugging his shoulders.

I laughed my ass off.

Nash was a pretty funny guy. I can't wait to get to know him more.

The rest of the ride Nash and me talked.

I learned that his real name is Hamilton Nash Grier and that he has 3 siblings. Will, Hayes, and Skylynn (idk how to spell her name😂 I'm so smart.)

Once we pulled in the house, I got out and sprinted for the door. I wanted to take a shower and go watch netflix and eat popcorn.

But my plans changed once I walked through the door...



I hope you guys liked this chapter(:

Ive been so happy lately

I learned that my beautiful Bae...

Is coming to where I live in December...

I'm dead

Cannot breathe

Bye guys

Jk😂 but I'm so happy bc I might go🎉🎉🎉🎉

If you don't know who my Bae is it's machu Lee Espinosa.

Like who elseeeee?

So life's great👍

My question for today is: who's your favorite magcon boy?😏

Love u guys




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