Chapter 37

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Katie's pov
We walked into school, ready for the plan to take action. Nash looked at me and I nodded. He went to find our little friend Hannah.

Matt, jack, carter, and me went slowly behind him. Jack and carter got there phones out and got in there ready stance. Me and Matt just waited for our cue.

We suddenly saw Nash and Hannah conversating so jack and carter pressed a button on there phones, that will capture every word that's being said.

"Hey Hannah I know I already let you go but," Nash started to say.

"What is it nashy?" She innocently said. I cringed at the sound of now she called him 'Nashy'. Nash sighed and replied, "I miss you. It sucks because I'm stuck with Katie and her slutty self." He sounded so real when he said it.
"Well, then why don't you come back to me? I'm so much better than her anyways." She pleaded back. The plan was going smoothly so far.

He smirked and pulled her into a kiss. I cringed at the sight of it. Hannah was eating Nash's face off. It sucks because that could be me. We could be-.

I shook that thought out of my brain and focused on the plan. Nash finally pulled away from her and catched his breath. "Why don't we continue at my house Nashy." Hannah batted her eyelashes like the little slut she is.

Nash's eyes went big. This wasn't part of the plan. "Um Hannah what about sch-" he got cut off by Hannah dragging him by the collar to her car.

We all had our mouths gaped open. "Shit guys, we gotta go get him." Matt said pulling at the roots of his dirty blonde hair. They all started to panic but I eventually stepped in.

"Calm down. Nash is gonna be alight. He's only probably gonna get laid, but he'll be alright." I say as calm as I can.

There still freaking out so I just rolled my eyes and walked to class.

I have to admit, I was scared. The plan got ruined and Nash isn't here. We're gonna have to come up with a plan B. Throughout the whole day I was trying to think but I couldn't. I was so focused on Nash.

Sure I have feelings for him a little. But what about Matt? And carter? I only see carter as a best friend. Nothing more. As for Matthew, well I felt something with him.

When the final bell rang I rushed out of class and called Nash. No answer. I called him again. No answer. Nash always answers my calls. This is fucking messed up.

I called Matt and he answered on the third ring. "Matt?"
"Katie, come to your house quick. We're all here with Cameron."

"Okay, have you tried to call Nash?"

"All of us have, he didn't pick up. Just please hurry babe."

Babe. I liked the sound of that. I hung up and came to my house as quickly as possible. Jack, Matt, carter, and Cameron were all in the living room waiting for me.

"Hey, what's so urgent?" I questioned. They all looked normal but they also had a bit of pain in there eyes.

"It's Nash. He's not answering our texts and calls." Jack said. "Hannah must've done something."

No. She couldn't have. Nash is probably sleeping after he got banged. Yeah. It has to be. Or maybe his phone died. You never know.

"Guys, he's probably okay yeah? Right? He has to be," I started to ramble on. "Hannah wouldn't kill him right? Oh god please be okay Nash." My legs started to give out but I clutched onto the living room table to catch my fall.

They all rushed towards me soothing me. My breathing started to quicken and before I knew it, I was having a anxiety attack.

It was getting to me. All the possibilities that could have happened to Nash. I couldn't hear anything, all I saw was they boys' mouths moving well Cameron grabbed the phone.

My life went into slow motion. Everything seemed slower. I looked over at My brother and saw his eyes wide well the mysterious person spoke into the phone. He started yelling something at the boys and they looked terrified.

The last thing I heard was, "Nash is missing."

WOOOO!!! I'm so happy guys(: today is also my one year anniversary on wattpad!!!!! Pretty monumental moment am I right? Well I know I haven't updated in awhile but it's sad to say, this is one of my last chapters):
But you never know if there's a sequel or not(; But for real I love each and very one of you for making this book reach 80k in less than a year
Vote and comment your thoughts pleaseeeee(:


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