“Louis, this is not you. Look how much you've changed. Where are your eyes, Louis? Where is your soul?” Harry asked, his voice surprisingly shakey.

“Don't you see she's trying to keep us apart?” Louis hissed, making me flinch and hide half of me behind Harry's back.

“She's not doing this. I made the desicion.” Harry spoke boldly.

“Why?” I heard hurt in Louis' voice and that somehow made my heart to sink.

“Because you're not the same anymore. Look what you turned into,” Harry threw his hand towards Louis' direction. “Louis, this is not you. The Louis that was all day and night with me and made me laugh is not there anymore.”

“We both wanted to take revenge. You were the first who suggested it, remember?” There was sarcasm evident in Louis' creepy voice.

“Yeah, I remember,” Harry's shoulders tensed. “But I didn't mean from anyone that came to the forest. I meant from those fuckers who do all these shit to the boys.”

“But you liked it when you killed her friends.” Louis' words made me gasp for air as tears stung into my eyes again, my heart shaking in pain. “Don't try to deny it.”

“Louis...” Harry sighed, taking a step closer to him. “What happened to you?”

There was silence as they both stared at each other. Louis didn't have eyes, but I knew he was staring at him. Harry's entire body was tensing, showing me how difficult this was for him.

“We promised we'll stick together, no matter what.” Louis broke the silence, his words making my stomach to twist.

From what I heard, I realized that Louis was jealous and hurt. Harry was like his brother and they sticked together for 77 years. I have to say that I understand him, but the way he used Harry...it's not right. This can't last for long, it's dangerous.

“We will, Louis. You know how much I care about you.” Harry said with honesty.

“Then kill her,” Louis suddenly grumbled. “She's taking away my powers. I'm fading, Harry. All because of her.”

My eyes widened. What the hell? “M-me?” I stammered, my voice small.

“You shut up!” Louis snapped and I felt sharp nails scratching my face.

My head turned to the side and my body fell on the floor as I screamed in pain. My face was bleeding and my skin was hurting so bad. Harry turned and gave me a shocked look before turning to Louis again.

“How is this right?!” he yelled, throwing his head towards me. “How is she even taking away your power when you're the one that's always hurting her?!”

Louis didn't answer. My entire face was aching and the tears that rolled down my cheeks created a mixture with my blood. My blood created small lakes underneath my body, not just because of my face but my arm too. My open wounds were deep and hurt like knifes.

“Where's your soul, Louis?! Where's your innocence?!” Harry was almost screaming now, anger taking over him. “This is not the Louis I know! This is something evil! You're trying to take me down but no, I'm not gonna follow you this time!”

Harry grabbed the pillow like a flash and took the lighter from his pocket. My eyes widened when the black figure became taller and taller, towering Harry and me.

“Put it down, Harry.”

“Burn in hell.” Harry spit before snapping on the lighter and turning the pillow into flames.

“No!” Louis' loud screams echoed everywhere, his hurt voice bringing an indescribable pain to my ears.

I covered my ears with my hands and stared with shock at the black figure struggling, as if she was kept somewhere. Harry dropped the flaming pillow on the floor, his gaze fixed on Louis.

Louis suddenly was on fire, making me suck in a breath and try to pull myself up. His screams were heartbreaking as you could hear the hurt in his voice. The figure moved furiously, trying to stop the pain and escape the fire.

It smelled awful. It was worse than blood to be honest. Louis' back arched and created a cracking sound of his spine breaking, making me flinch again. His entire body was on flames and I felt so guilty for that. He's a demon, I reminded to myself to stop the feeling of guilt that washed through me.

“No!” he screamed again and I saw blood dropping from the ceiling.

The black figure suddenly dissapeared, leaving only smoke of the flames behind it. Silence filled the air between us, only the sound of the fire burning the pillow was heard.

Surprisingly, all the pain was drown away from my body. My wounds didn't hurt, the unbelievably heavy pressure in my chest was not there, my blood had dissapeared from the floor. With wide eyes and my jaw touching the ground, I stood up and walked over to Harry.

His eyes were glued to the spot Louis had dissapeared only seconds ago. He seemed hurt and thoughtful and I wanted so badly to help him. Holding my breath, I placed my hand on his shoulder.

He instictively moved away from my touch, making me slightly jump. His cold eyes locked with mine and softed almost immidiately. Giving him a small smile, he sighed and took my hand in his.

“Harry.” I opened my mouth to speak but the voice who said it wasn't me.

Harry and I shared bewildered looks, my blood running cold in my vains. Slowly and hesitentaly, we both turned to see who called for Harry. What surprised me the most was what Harry said.



A/N: Okay, some of you said you can't see chapter 54? So I updated yesterday and today in case this helps. If it doesn't plz tell me :)

If you could vote my story from 1 to 10, what would you vote? 10 = perfect and 1 = awful as hell

Let me know, yeah? It means a lot and I want to know if this story is something different and special.

And yes, cliffhanger because it's one of my talents xD (Idk if I have any other talent lol)

Thanks for reading babes, love you lotssssss xx

Twitter: @zoitssa99

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