Chapter 144

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Harry's POV:

I raised my chin up and smirked proudly as I walked out of the bathroom, holding the gift behind my back in my hands. Rebecca's sitting on the bed, scrolling through her iPad that rested on her bent knees as she leaned against the headboard, her long hair gathered up in a messy bun.

I was happy it was finally the right time to give this gift to her. She didn't notice my presensce, too focused on her thoughts as she stared at her iPad. I sat down in front of her, finally gaining her attention. She looked up at me, her hazel eyes puffy and blooshot. She didn't sleep at all last night for some strange reason, and when I asked her why, she said she just couldn't. It confused me and I wanted to know more, because I didn't like the thought that Rebecca is keeping things from me.

Nevertheless, I dropped the subject and made jokes, wanting to hear her laugh. She was flashing me small, tired smiles and I told her to take a nap, but she denied. I don't know what's up with this girl and sleep, it's like she hates sleeping.

The reason behind my extremely happy mood, is my dream. I saw Louis in my dream. We were both running down a hill, our feet hitting hard the green grass. The fresh air pushed our hair behind and we were laughing and teasing each other about who's going to get to the big tree first. Everything looked beautiful. The nature literally calmed me down, and the burning of the sun brought sweat to the back of my neck.

Louis and I both won, and we sat down on the cold grass, leaning against the tree. I remember how happy he looked as he laughed, his blue eyes shining with pure excitement. I was happier than ever to have my best friend back, and I wanted the moment never to end.

As much as I was hurt and dissapointed when I woke up, I was still in such a great mood that I literally jumped on Rebecca on the couch and placed multiple kisses on her face. She wasn't expecting such thing since she was about to sleep, but I can tell she liked it.

"What?" she asked, raising a brow.

I smiled and brought the gift in front of me, seeing how her hazel eyes widened in surprise and she gasped. "Merry Christmas!" I said happily, bringing the gift closer to her.

She grinned, happiness finally flashing behind her eyes as she placed the iPad on the side. "You bought me another present?" she said, taking the gift in her hands.

"Oh yes," I nodded, grinning widely.

She removed the gift's cover and red ribbon to take out a black small box. She stared at it with curiosity, her brows pulled low over her eyes. I waited a little nervously, wanting to know if she liked the gift or not.

I noticed how her hand trembled a little as she reached to open it but stopped for a moment, swallowing hard, her actions confusing me and making me feel even more nervous than before. Silence surrounded us, the sound of her heartbeat clear to my ears. I leaned forward a little, my eyes scanning her pale face and hazel eyes that seemed thoughtful.

She took a deep breath and finally opened the box, revealing the diamond ring inside. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, hazel eyes wide and full of shock. She froze, making me hold my breath. I heard her pulse increasing the speed inside her chest, making the nervoussness in my stomach grow stronger.

"Rebecca?" I called softly, afraid that if I raise my volume she might pass out. Her face was much paler now, her eyes never leaving the diamond ring in the box. I saw how it shined under the light of the sun that entered our room through the window, which was something to admire.

She slowly pulled her hand back, her mouth still open. She blinked as if trying to come back to reality. "H-Harry I-I..." she stuttered quietly, her voice sounding different.

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