Chapter 133

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Spoilers and surprises in! Keep your eyes open!! ;)


Rebecca's POV:

I walk down the street, the grey sky making everything look lonely. The cold wind blows my hair in front of my face, my body shivering in an attempt to keep myself warm. My arms are wrapped around myself, my head lowered. No one else is out here, I'm all alone. My feet hit hard the ground as I walk in a quick pace, trying to get back to the hotel as quick as possible. I don't know what happened, but I know that I want to get back to Harry.

Everything around me turned darker and my eyes widened in shock. When everything around me dissapeared in a matter of seconds, all I could see was pitch black. I looked around me, scared and confused. My heart started pounding louder as I waited for a single sound or a voice to be heard.

Taking a deep, shakey breath, I take a step forward, not really knowing where I'm heading to. One step took me to another and I was soon walking all alone in the dark.

"No!" I heard Harry shout, making me come to an abrupt halt.

His voice echoed around me and I swung in my spot, trying to see where he's at. His voice kept hitting my ears, turning my stomach into small knots. The darkness around me slowly faded away and I was back to the suite, staring at Harry pacing back and forth into the room with his phone pressed to his ear.

"I said no! You are here to listen to my orders!" he hissed, his back scrunched up and his messy hair flying to different directions.

"Harry?" I asked quietly, hesitating to take a step further.

"Listen, you are going to make the fucking call and you'll text me everything he told you, got it?" his tone was warsh as he spat at the phone, making me flinch.

He ended the call and ran a hand through his messy curls, tugging at the ends. He then turned around as he digged his phone in his pocket and walked towards the door. He opened it and left the room without second thought. Just as I was about to follow him, everything turned black around me, leaving me confused and helpless.

My heart was shaking with fear inside my chest as I waited in a torturous silence, not knowing what's gonna happen next. I heard moans from behind me and my body froze. The darkness dissapeared and I was in that same room, her room.

I slowly turned around at the sound, my stomach clenching tightly with anxiety as pain threatened to hit me. And then's when I saw him and her. Having sex. Right in front of me. They were covered by the sheets and their own sweat. She had her head tilted back as he sucked at her skin on her neck. He thrust into her in a fast pace, his strong arms wrapped around her.

It killed me seeing these two like this.

I chocked on a sob, salty tears forming into my eyes. I was so sick and tired of being hurt and crying, but seeing Harry having sex with another girl broke me down.

I squeezed my eyes shut and turned around, hiding my face in my hands. I couldn't stand staring at them any more. My heart ached terribly, worse than any other time. At that point, I prefered to die than go throw all this pain. I gasped for air as I fell on my knees, my lungs hurting. All the shock, fear and pain crashed my soul down, bringing a hole to my heart. I heard as they both came, the sound making nausea roll through me.

"So," she started, sounding breathless. "What upset you this time?"

This time?

Harry sighed again. "Nothing you should worry about." Harry replied flatly, his deep voice making my heart tug.

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