I'll Take The Chance

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Though I fear this may not last,

My mind has driven me to live in the moment.

To enjoy your every breath,

To indulge myself in your laughter,

To lose fear in your presence.

You're worth it;

My pain as equivalent as my happiness,

My time,

Disregarding the fear of it being wasted.

For if tomorrow never comes,

Then you and I would know this one thing is true,

I've always loved you.

Certainty can't compare to my words,

Promises look upon them with pity,

Truth prevails.

Don't act in such a way to deceive me,

And create a thought that by no means was ever mine.

Tell me the truth,

Though harsh,

Though true.

How do you feel about me?

Do you love me,

And if so,

Let it then not be out of the false act of pity.

For I'd rather endure the pain of friendship.

But if,

If for some reason you do,

Out of the certainty of your heart.

Then don't matter what others think,

Or how much fear may engulf me,

Or whether the thought,

Of my very heart being left in shambles,

Crosses my mind.

I'll disregard it all,

I'll erase it all,

I'll look at the consequences in the face and say,

I'll take the chance.

Shadows Of My Heart (poetry from the soul; for the soul)Where stories live. Discover now