Pondering Tears

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I lay in the depths of my despair,

My desolation,

Trying so desperately to find some,

If any reason behind,

The tears running uncontrollably down my cheeks,

And onto the already soaked pillow.

Why am I crying?

What a waste of a question it would be,

To ask you something,

Something that even I haven't managed my own way around.

It's not because I don't love you,

Or of the fear that you don't,

But rather the fact that I know you do,

I know how hard this is for you,

And I think about all that we've done,

All that we've been through,

And I wonder.....

Don't we deserve better?

Yes I,

We both have wasted time,

Time that we will never,

Never grasp hold of again,

Or ever dream of coming close.

But I miss you,

I need you,

Please drive this feeling away,

Rid me of this loneliness,

Bring back the fire in my eyes,

I've forgotten how it feels to be loved,

To feel your love embedding my soul,

To see that look in your eyes,

That speaks so softly your desires,

Your love,

That drives me to question mine.

I wish so dearly that when,

I stretch my hand out I am greeted,

By the soft touch of yours.

I want to hold you,

To kiss you I love you!

But here I am pondering over my tears,

And asking the senseless question again,


Gosh why,

Am I crying?

Shadows Of My Heart (poetry from the soul; for the soul)Where stories live. Discover now