The demon queen is here

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Kaitlyn's pov

I sat down trying to remember what happened, Anti knew, "tell me again, but slowly..." I said he nodded, "well your demon side wanted sex with me...wait I've told you a million times you should remember, Kate is still inside you," he said, "she's shut off her mind," I said, "Strange...Demon's don't normally do that," he said, "well I do," I said smirking.

Kate Fury's pov

"Hello Kate," he said, "Anti darling nice to see you," I said smirking, he smiled, "why do you shut off your mind for Kaitlyn?" he asked me, I smiled, "I don't want her grubby little hands all over my secrets Anti" I said, Kaitlyn popped in the mirror, "What secrets, we don't have any....Anti?" I asked, "We don't, she's playing her games" he said, Of course, Sean had come back, "ah, Jacksepticeye nice to see you buddy" I said smirking, "One, I'm Jack, two, don't ever call me buddy and three leave me alone!" he said.

"Kate leave Jack alone, he's done nothing to you" Kaitlyn piped up, "Oh pipe down you, I'm just trying to have fun!" I said smiling, "By torturing my boyfriend!" Kaitlyn said, "I'm not doing anything like that now go away!" I said smashing the mirror, "What have you done!" he screamed going to the mirror, he picked up a piece, "Baby, can you hear me?" he asked, "she's gone numbskull, I'm here to stay, now...Bring back Anti" I said.

"Fine!" he hissed Transforming, "Hi, Kate" he said smirking, we kissed, he tipped me forward, "whoa there, somethings changed you" I said smiling, "you have, Kate you are amazingly beautiful and I love you so much, you've made me feel the happiest demon there is, I love you, Kate," he said, "I love you too" I said smiling, we sat down together cuddling.

Anti's pov

an Idea popped in my head, I went to the mirror in the bathroom, "Sean" I said, "Hello Anti, how can I help?" he asked, "I want to propose to Kate...I need your help" I said, "Just come up with a really romantic speech, get down on one knee and ask her" he said, "I don't have a ring" I said, "Open the cabinet door" he said, a ring box was there.

I looked at Kate, she smiling, "Kate, I've known you for three years now and you've made me the happiest demon alive, you've changed my demon life, you've transformed into your own beautiful demon and I want to carry on our lives as we can, but I wanted to do this first....Kate Fury, will you Marry me?" I asked her...

Kate Fury's pov

I looked at him, he smiled, I looked in the mirror, "SAY YES!" Kaitlyn said smiling, I nodded, we kissed, "you want to marry me?" he asked, I nodded, "Of course...Kaitlyn, you deserve this moment with Sean" I said, she smiled...

Kaitlyn's pov

I looked at Sean, we kissed, he pushed the ring on my finger... 

we kissed, "I love you so much Mrs to be Mcloughlin," he said, "I want to make love to you right now," I said smiling, "Of course my love, where?" he asked, "right here!" I said, we kissed and he pushed me back on the sofa

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we kissed, "I love you so much Mrs to be Mcloughlin," he said, "I want to make love to you right now," I said smiling, "Of course my love, where?" he asked, "right here!" I said, we kissed and he pushed me back on the sofa...

we kissed, he pulled my bottoms down and kissed my neck, "I love you" I said, "I love you too, you amaze me all the time, I am so happy to be engaged to you" he said, "make love to me Mcloughlin" I said, he pushed in, I started tearing up, "you okay baby?" he asked wiping my tears away, "Yeah, I'm just so happy right now" we kissed and made love right here...

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