why we should love billy;

390 12 17

MASIVE SPOILERS (summary of the season)

billy sacrificed himself for el. 💞💞💞💞💞

mileven is thriving and they say they love each other. mike rambles in front of everyone saying he loves her and not to use her. everyone is shaking. mike spilled the beans about will being gay, rip Alwuxisjsh (i forgot his name) and hopper, we will always remember.

mike said he'd come over to el's for thanksgiving and she'd come over for christmas with will (cute sibling tings) they kiss again cuz duh. robin is the most popping bitch in the town (lesbian power)

max just why? WHY'D U PROVOKE EL TO BREAK UP WTH MIKE? U LESBIAN TOO? anyways the demagorgon is back so YAY THE OG NOT SOME SCARY BIG MONSTER. i missed the demagorgon...

so el is living with joyce. mike loves his mom so he hugs her. karen gives great advice! who knew! heather and billy are the cutest possessed couple, so is dustin and suzie! she's ADORABLE!!!!! mileven get back together and mike shares his m & m's with her 🥰 how sweet!

while the boys try to buy something for el as an apology, they end up in victoria's secret...

mike calls el's style cool 😩💞 mike is shook when he finds out that she knows about him saying he loved her.

everyone is sad at the end bc will and el move!

hopper's letter is adorable and touching.

mike treats el's wound 💜

russia can suck my ass. erica is a stan. FUCK YOU RUSSIA AGAIN.

overall we should appreciate billy killing himself for el because she let him see his mom again, and that's what he ever wanted...max cries when he dies and he apologizes 💗

also max is VERY protective of el, watch the season and you'll find out why i say that. they slept in the same bed 😩 el read her a comic till she fell asleep 😩

anyways overall BEST SEASON!

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