You take my breathe away

543 14 8

Listen to this 80's song it gets the vibe of this one shot going ♥︎
(Age: 13-14)

It was 2 weeks before summer would come to an end in Hawkins. Mike fortunately still wanted to make up for those 353 days even though he did quite...enough this summer.

Mike wanted to ask El out on a date. I know what your thinking, but coming over to someone's house isn't a date in our world it's a hangout yet they kissed at that hangout.

"So are you excited?" Max asked El, rummaging through El's closet to find her an outfit,
"I guess?"

Max whipped her head back in shock,
"Just, 'I guess?' El? What's wrong?"
El looked up from the magazine that reminded her of that one kiss,
"I just-never mind it's dumb."

Max sat down next to El, comforting her per say,
"El you could tell me. I won't judge."
El pressed her lips together looking at Max and finally was convinced,
"I don't think-"
El took a pause.

"I don't think Mike l-likes me anymore..."
Max chuckled in disbelief,
"El that's like saying, 'I don't think the sky is blue in the daytime anymore'."

El giggled,
"But really, at the s-snowball he said I was beautiful, b-but now he doesn't. He just l-looks me up and d-down!"
It suddenly hit Max like a brick.

Max realized that when her and Lucas started out, he did the same and now is more comfortable with her.
"El. Mike's just-you know what you wouldn't get it."
Max mumbled under her breath, heading to El's closet again.

"No tell me. I'll try."
Max took a long sigh and smiled,
"I think Mike's crush on you is growing El. When boys don't say anything anymore that means they-they have a big crush on you."

El's frown flipped,
"Like me?"
Max shut her eyes,
"El boys are different with things that I'm sure you already know. When boys have crushes they physically change-"
Max gagged.

When El finally got what Max was saying she had an 'Oh' kind of moment.
"So how can I make him be close to me like before?"
Max thought,
"Well what happened the day before this started?"

El blushed and looked down,
"We kissed..."
Max's face lit up and she jumped around,
"Oh my god where?! At the park?! At the fair!?-"
El shook her head,
"No in my room!"

Max's mouth dropped,
"Well that explains it."
El rolled her eyes.
"I mean you should address what happened...Wait did you kiss him?"

El froze,
"Uh no..."
Max was struck with all sorts of romance in one shot (😑),
"He kisses you..."

El sat with Mike in the food court of the Starcourt Mall.

Mike once again smiled when he saw El in her adorable outfit, but didn't make a remark such as,
"You look amazing", "Gorgeous", "Wow".

Mike made a 'huh' sound, wow not even an actual answer...
"Why are you a-acting weird?"
Mike's face was flushed,
"Uh what do you mean?"

El rolled her eyes,
"Just-last year you told me I w-was beautiful and pretty, this summer we're always together and we-we kissed again.......But this week-you can't even talk! What happened Mike?"

Mike scoffed and leaned closer to El,
"Nothing El-"
El shook her head in disbelief and rose from her seat,
"I don't think that Mike."
El started at the Mall entrance.

Mike realized what he had done and ran to El,
He grabbed her arm and she faced him.
"El, I just......I guess I have a.....a really really bad crush on you! I can't be with you longer than 10 minutes El! After that kiss in your ROOM I just liked you even more! I'm sorry! You're beautiful and amazing and I......I love you El!"

You could hear a pin drop in that mall at that exact moment, until Steve and Robin started to clap,
"That's my Wheeler!"
Steve shouted, he was interrupted by Robin who said,
"That's MY Hopper!"

A single tear fell from El's right cheek as she hugged Mike in a tight embrace.

"El-You take my breath away......"
Mike whispered into El's ear, which made her latch onto Mike even more tightly.

"I love you too Mike....."
El whispered back,
but then they felt others hugged them tightly.
It was the Party, who yes, watched the whole thing.

Mike and El continued to hug in the middle of they're most favorite friends.

Dustin was at the 4th floor of the mall with Steve and Robin looking down at them. Mike looked up at them and waved.

Mike went back to hugging El and that day with never be forgotten.
And till this day, the group talks about that ONE moment that helped Mike and El's relationship.
They are now married and love reminiscing with they're now much older friends.

*breath is taken away*

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