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(13-14 years old)

Jane's POV

"Alright your friends will come over at 3:30 after school. Joyce will take care if you okay kid?" Hopper said. I nodded. Last night I threw up 12 times. Hopper left for work. Jonathan was in his room with Nancy and Joyce was doing the dishes.

I laid down watching some tv (mostly soap operas) waiting for my friends especially Mike. Well he wasn't my friend he's my boyfriend but still.

I had bags under my eyes and my curly hair was messy. I was wearing some sweatpants and an AV club sweater. I coughed frequently. Joyce looked at her watch and went to the cupboard. "Alright sweetie it's time for your medicine," she gave me the small pill and a glass of water.

I swallowed the pill. "The kids should be home any second so don't worry they'll entertain ya." She laughed. I laughed with her and laid back down. She was technically my mother. Hopper purposed to her. I don't know the full definition but I get the idea.

All the sudden BOOM. All my friends came bursting through the front door. Lucas and Max giggling for no reason, Dustin and Will laughing so hard it looked like they were going to die and ,Mike. He didn't laugh he just focused on me.

Mike ran up to me and hugged me. "How are you doing?" I shrugged, "Better." He smiled.

Max put down her skateboard and sat on the floor with Lucas. "Why are you all l-laughing?" I asked.

"Jennifer asked Will out but she didn't know he was gay so he said no! You should've seen her face!" Will laughed too. "You didn't tell her!" Joyce joined in. Will shook his head. "That was amazing!" Lucas stated. "What's gay?" Mike gasped. "It's when-" Mike hit Max's shoulder.

"What, She has to know!" Max fought back.

Mike's POV

No way in hell was I gonna ruin El's innocence! She's sick anyway. "You don't have to worry." I sat next to El. Joyce went back to washing the plates. Everyone sat on the floor. "I want to know Mike." El said. My eyes widened. "F-Fine. It's when a, let's say a girl likes a girl instead of a boy. Same with a boy."

I said. "Like Max?" The room went silent. "El I'm not gay." Max laughed. "Oh" El is adorable as always. That sounds really cheesy.

It started to get late. Nancy walked out of Jonathan's room. "Mike c'mon we have to go." I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I leaned in to El. "You'll get s-sick." She said. "Uh who cares?" I kissed her.

Nancy's eyes widened. "MIKE COME ON LETS'S GO!" I get up. Me and my friends head home. "Bye El love you!" She waved bye. Let's just say El was the one visiting me later that month...I didn't regret kissing her though. God and now I understand why she though Max was gay.

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