I got no regrets

414 16 13

Age: 13-14
Summer 1985


General POV
El is sad. That might sound normal, but this time it wasn't because of her past or those stupid monsters, it was Mike.

Mike and El had gotten into an argument and some not-so great words came out of their mouths.

The party have been worried about their favorite relationship ending, but the parents also worried too.

Karen noticed El hadn't visited in a week, even when everyone else came over, she didn't. Hopper and Joyce worried because Mike hadn't called El in a week.

<<<Present time>>>

El laid on her bed. Alone and bored. She had nothing to stare at or smile at.

Hopper went to stop a near by protest with Joyce, while El stayed, well, by herself.

El suddenly hear a knock on her front door. El hoped it wasn't Mike and to her amusement, it wasn't.

She opened the door to see all her friends except for Mike. "Hey El. We come in peace." El laughed at Dustin. "Uh-Mike sent us here." El's eyebrows furrowed.

"Come in?" El shut the door and they all sat down. "Mike doesn't want to talk to you, but he didn't tell us why...Do you think you can tell us?" Max asked.

El gave in and nodded. "Mike and I f-fought." Everyone gasped. "No way!" Lucas exclaimed. "He said he regrets finding me-" El began to cry.

Will got up and sat next to his step sister and hugged her. "I'm sorry." He continued. "But that isn't like him." Max said. They all agreed.

Mike was a very sweet boy, he's risk ANYTHING for his friends and family. It wasn't like him. But after all everyone changes.

"I'll tell Mike to come here. This is ridiculous." Lucas pulled his super com out of his book bag and channeled Mike.

"Where are you!?" Mike didn't answer. Everyone got worried. "*sigh* I'm coming if that's what you want." Lucas rolled his eyes, "of course that's what I want!"

Lucas put his super com back and consulted in Max.

<<<Time skip>>>

Everyone sat in silence. Mike didn't say a word. "So are you gonna say sorry?!" Max spoke. Mike rolled his eyes, "She won't forgive me." Dustin furrowed his eyebrows, "she's right there you know dibshit!?"

Mike looked at El who was crying still. "El, can we talk in your room-Alone please?" El looked up at Mike and nodded. Everyone looked as they entered her room and shut the door behind them.

Mike and El sat on the bed. "El, an argument isn't going to c-change the way I love you." El rolled her eyes, "You said you wished you d-didn't find me Mike!"

Mike looked down, "I regret saying that! I have no regrets with you!" She grew angry, "No! You do! Friends don't lie!" She yelled.

"Who said I was your fucking friend!" Mike yelled back. She stepped back. "Then what am I?" Mike stepped closer, "El your my everything, your my girlfriend. I wouldn't want to lose you."

She stepped back from Mike. "But I don't want to fight again." El said. "Believe me I don't either." Mike reached his hand out, "if you grab my hand that means we BOTH promise never to say anything bad to each other or do anything bad t-to each other ever again, and to protect each other."

El without hesitation grabbed Mike's hand. "Promise." Mike smiled and hugged El. "I never regret a day with you. I know that sounds cheesy." Mike whispered to El.

El laughed.

After that moment, they never broke that promise. They are now grandparents at a young age and are still together. They never fought once after that confrontation.

They have no regrets.

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