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After the fricken Max incident El has been nervous to get her period.

"Mike my stomach hurts. I'll be right back." I nodded and scrunched my face in confusion. Nancy was on a trip with Jonathan, my parents were out of town so I'm alone.

"MIKE!" I shot up and ran to the door. "El what's wrong!" "I'm bleeding!" My eyes widened. "Shit okay wait!" I ran to the phone. Will was the only one available.

"Come on Will pick up..." I heard him connect. "Hello?" "Hey uh I need your help..."


"Okay so we came too." Max said. I groaned. "Where is she!" Dustin said. "DO YOU HAVE THE STUFF!" I asked. Will nodded and handed me the "stuff".

"What do I do?" I ask. Mike rolls her eyes. "You have to teach her! She would never let me teach her!" Max said. Lucas's eyes widened.  "WHAT! At least come with me!" I said.

"Ugh Fine!" Me and Max walk to the bathroom door. "El, can we come in?" I heard her mumble, "it's unlocked." I looked at Max and we walked in and shut the door behind us.

I turned the other way making sure not to look at her. "Okay hi...El?" Max said. El nodded. "So this is used like this-" Max got on her knees. I cover my ears.

"And this goes in there. Now try it." Max turned away. I guess El tried. "Ow." El Said.

"Is she okay?" I asked. "Yeah. She did it! We did it!" I turned to look at El. She ran to me and hugged me. I remember all the moments we had in this bathroom. We almost kissed here when we were 12. But still at 14 I believable shit happens in here.

We went out. "Did you guys do it?" Will asked. I nodded and smiled. Everyone cheered. "BEST BOYFRIEND EVER!" Dustin yelled.

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