Slick (13)

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"We're almost there." Steve Said to Mike. They were both picking up some food at a local grocery store that was known for an eggo robbery...

They were all having a barbecue today to celebrate the 4th of July, so Hopper sent these 2 out.

As they were walking out of the car a man who was clearly an employee stopped them. "You are not allowed here." He said.

Mike and Steve looked at each other in confusion. "Um sir why?" The man pulled out a photo of, well, El.

"We saw you 2 on a bike near our store after she robed this place!" Steve's got this in the bag.

He whispered something to Mike and Mike pulled out a picture of El, or shall I say Jane.

"This is the girl I was with. She's a totally different girl." Mike said. The man felt duped.

"Is that enough to let us in." Steve Said walking past him and going inside.

"Robbery?! She robbed this place!?" Mike whispered to Steve. "I guess." Mike looked accomplished. A girl who can steal. How amazingly cool!

They walked to the meat section. "So wheeler, aren't you worried that El is probably doing something illegal. Again." Mike shook his head.

"She knows now when to use, you know to help not to do bad." Mike needed to be cautious with speakers in the store that are probably hooked to Brenner.

"Well I guess." Steve Said, looking through the burger meat. "Horse meat! Woah Wheeler these place is sketchy." Steve Said.

"Yeah these place gives me chills I think we should go..." Mike and Steve ran out. They were right. They employee who remembered El from 2 years back, the horse meat, the speakers , and the fact it was a small grocery store out of Hawkins...

They got in the car as fast as they could and drove away.
Time skip:

Nancy ended up going to the mall's grocery store. Everyone was grossed out by Mike and Steve's adventure and how they escaped getting arrested.

Everyone sat in a picnic table in an open park near by Joyce's Job.

"Mike?" El asked Mike. "Yeah El?" She looked down at first.

"Why do y-you have a picture of m-me in your pocket?" Mike turned red. "He does?!" Max said. The Party joined in laughing. "Uh just in case I need to show people who you are..."

El smiled knowing it wasn't the truth. Everyone was glad they didn't need to eat horse meat that day.

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