snowballs and eyelashes

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1,000% fluff! Leave requests in the comments so I can write them¡ ilysm enjoy!


mike and el were swaying to the 80's jams on the illuminating Hawkins middle gym floor.
el suddenly realized her cheek was itchy
and tried to shake it off.

was it an allergic reaction to the kiss?

do kisses give allergic reactions?

am I going crazy?

only ridiculous thoughts rushed through el's innocent mind.
mike soon realized el's shifting and looked up at her,
" alright?"
mike softly whispered to el as she looked up to mike.

"do I have something o-on my cheek?"
el said, pulling away so mike could see her cheek.
"i don't see-hold on....el it's an eyelash!"
mike smiled, pricking it off her cheek.
el giggled,
"i'm s-such a drama queen..."
el joked.

mike chuckled along with el and slowly realized he was pulling her in closer.

"hey uh....el wanna take a break?"
el nodded and once again intertwined hands with mike as he guided her through the crowd of nerdy teens.

el's sight came into focus and saw her friends at the table.
"took you long enough."
dustin scoffed jokingly,
whist mike gave him a look.

"says the one who danced with nancy..."
will revolted and once again gave dustin a look followed by the duos laughter.

mike pulled up a chair for el to sit. el smiled and pulled out a chair for mike,
mike thought what he was going to say was absolutely inevitable, but would hurt her.

girls usually don't pull out a chair for a guy...

mike erased the thought from his mind and took the seat willingly.
"thank you el."
el smiled and sat down joyfully.

"so lovers, how was your....moment?"
max asked, clearly being playful as she did in fact know the answer.
mike was flushed pink and bit his bottom lip, he says it's a habit when he gets nervous and el noticed that.

el looked up at mike who, yes, was 3 inches taller than her and tapped his shoulder.
mike looked at el and furrowed his eyebrows.
"m-mike what's wrong? can we not tell them?"

mike forgot that el knew ALL of his habits,
"could you tell them? they'll joke around with me i-if I tell them..."

el nodded and looked back at the group of friends,
"we kissed."
the young group clapped in a joking manner which then turned serious.
"wow dude that's great."
mike turned around to see his sister and jonathan laughing along with the party.

nancy crossed her arms and shook her head smiling,
"and to think we are the young ones."
jonathan joked.

joking is all fun and games until someone loses an eyelash.

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