
582 22 1

(13-14 years old)

Mike's POV

Me and El sat on the couch in my basement. Generally speaking we were waiting for the always late gang. Aka the party.

I fixed my Atari and she just watched. "I'll b-be back." She suddenly spoke. I nodded. She went to the bathroom in the basement. I didn't think anything of it until..."your kidding me!" I crinkled my face in confusion.

"You okay?" I asked. "no..." I was alarmed. "What's wrong!?" I heard her groan in annoyance. "Bleeding," I looked down. "From where? Did you use your powers?" Then a small silence came upon us.

"I don't want to say." Then it hit me like a bus. Not again! "Ohhhh" I Said. "I'll get Nancy." I ran up to her room. "Nancy it's an emergency." She rolled her eyes. "What is it?" She asked.

"It's that time of month for her..." her eyes widened. "Is this her 'first time of month' Mike?" I nodded. "I dunno maybe." She ran to the basement. "Hey El it's me!" Nancy then got something out of her pocket and slid it under the door.

"I told you last week how to use one." Nancy then said. I gagged. I was like YOU BETTER STAP, STAP but yet again she was my 3 year girlfriend and I actually cared. "D-Done." We heard a few moments after.

She then came out. "Alright my work here is done." Nancy went upstairs. "So are you okay now?" She nodded. I then heard the door bell ring.

We all sat in a circle. "So the telling me my sister is not a 'kid' anymore!" Will said. "Yeah I guess..." I said. "Hopper doesn't even know." Max said. "Neither does Joyce." Lucas continued.

I turned back to look at El who was in her own world. Fiddling with her fingers. I turned back to my friends. "This is a damn democracy." Dustin stated. "Sure it is." I looked back at El and sat next to her.

"So what are you doing?" She shrugged. My friends made a little conversation of their own ignoring the fact that I left to sit with El.

Jane's POV

I didn't feel in the mood. Kind of tired. Mike pulled me towards his chest and I just laid there. "It looks like you don't wanna talk." I then looked at him.

"I'm tired." I weakly stated. He nodded. "Yeah, I know." I then focused on the others. "Why didn't you want to tell me where you were bleeding from?" I looked at him. "Your a boy."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah your boy-friend. You can trust me." He said. What the hell. Ughhhhh Fine. "Promise?" "Promise" i smiled at him.

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